Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > Browser Scripting >

Business Component

Table 69 lists a summary of the Business Component Methods syntax.

Table 69.  Business Component Methods Syntax Summary
Returns the business object that contains the business component.

var busComp;
var busObject;
busObject = busComp.BusObject();

Returns a value for the field specified in the argument.

var busComp;
var value;
value = busComp.GetFieldValue(fieldName);

Returns a formatted value for the field specified in the argument.

var busComp;
var sValue;
sValue = busComp.GetFormattedFieldValue(fieldName);

Returns the current search expression.

var busComp;
var sExpr;
sExpr = busComp.GetSearchExpr();

Returns the current search specification for the field specified in the argument.

var busComp;
var sSpec;
sSpec = busComp.GetSearchSpec(fieldName);

Returns the name of the business component.

var busComp;
var sName;
sName = busComp.Name();

Assigns a new value to the named field for the current row of the business component.

var busComp;
busComp.SetFieldValue(fieldName, fieldValue);

Accepts the field value in the current local format and assigns the new value to the named field for the current row of the business component.

var busComp;
busComp.SetFormattedFieldValue(fieldName, fieldValue);

Commits to the database any changes made to the current record.

var busComp;

Table 70 lists a summary of the Business Component Events syntax.

Table 70.  Business Component Events Syntax Summary
Called when a value is pushed down into the business component from the user interface. This Browser Script event is not invoked if the 'Immediate Post Changes' property of the Business Component field is set to TRUE.

BusComp_PreSetFieldValue(fieldName, value);

 Siebel Object Interfaces Reference 
 Published: 18 June 2003