Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >

Screen View Locale

Siebel Object Types > Screen > Screen View > Screen View Locale

Represents language-specific overrides used with the Screen View object type.


Valid Values/Examples
Category Menu Text (O)
Caption of the Category View that will show on the Site Map. If empty, view hidden on Site Map.
Category Viewbar Text (O)
Caption of the Category View that will show on the view bar. If empty, view hidden on the view bar.
Menu Text (O)
The text displayed in the submenu of the Screens menu bar selection.
Name (R)
The abbreviation of the language being used by the application.
Example: ENU.
Status Text (O)
Not currently used.
Viewbar Text (O)
Text that will appear in the view bar for this view.

See Also

Screen View

 Object Types Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003