Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >

Dock Object Table

Siebel Object Types > Dock Object > Dock Object Table

Used to specify the tables whose records are actually transferred in conjunction with the Dock Object object type.

Relates to information access. For more information, read Siebel Tools Reference.

CAUTION:  Do not modify this object type. Any modification can adversely affect the performance and operation of your system.


Dock Object Sub Type (S)
Sub type of the dock object.
Filter Sql Statement (S)
SQL script used to filter information regarding the dock object tables.
Name (S)
Name of table receiving the records.
Node Language Filter (S)
Used to allow language-based selective downloading on Translation Tables to the mobile clients based on the their preferred language(s).
A TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, the node language filter will be applied to these translation tables. If set to FALSE, the node language filter will not be applied, which means it is treated like a normal dock table.
Notify (S)
A TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, events will be logged to the Siebel Remote Admin > Client Diagnostics screen.
Source Column Name (S)
The name of the column that is the source for the dock object table.
Table Name (S)
Name of the table transferred with the dock object.
Target Column Name (S)
Target column for the table transferring records.
Target Table Name (S)
Name of the table receiving records transferred with the dock object.
Visibility Event (S)
A TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, any changes on a particular dock table is a visibility event transaction. The Transaction Router performs visibility rules check on an visibility event.
Visibility Strength (S)
Visibility strength of the dock object table.
Integer values between 0 and 100. A visibility strength of 100 means full visibility, while 0 means no visibility. Any value between 1 and 100 implies partial visibility.

See Also

Dock Object
Dock Object Related DObj
Dock Object Visibility Rule

 Object Types Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003