Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Siebel PRM for Apparel and Footwear > Personalization for Apparel and Footwear >

Siebel eApparel & Footwear Personalization Rules

Siebel PRM includes a number of predefined personalization rules that you can use to control which products are visible to retailers. You can also alter these rules to fit your company's business needs.

The Personalization rule sets included in Siebel eApparel & Footwear, which determine the content displayed to users of Siebel PRM for Apparel & Footwear, are described in Table 4.

Table 4.  Siebel eApparel & Footwear Personalization Rules 
Rule Set
Applicable Applets
Determines what catalogs should be shown based on an Account's profile attributes. Out of the box, this rule set matches values stored in the account channel attribute of the account and catalog objects.
Product Catalog Form Applet
TAF Account Product List Applet
Determines what categories within a catalog should be shown for an account. This rule set checks for entries in the Catalog Account Categories table and displays only categories that exist in the table.
TAF Product Catalog Category List Applet
Determines what products will be displayed based on the account's profile attributes. Out of the box, this rule set matches values stored in the Account Channel and Product Differentiation attributes of the Account and Product objects. It also checks the effective dates of a product and displays those that are within the season of the catalog.
TAF Assortment Plan Product List Applet

Siebel eApparel & Footwear also includes other personalization rule sets. Table 4 describes only the rule sets that are most relevant to targeting products to customers based on market segmentation.

 Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide Addendum for Industry Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003