Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel Communications Server for Performance > Best Practices for Session Communications Tuning >

Configuring Logging for Session Communications

Logging data may be analyzed as part of performance monitoring or tuning, as described in Monitoring Siebel Application Performance.

Higher levels of logging provide more data to help you resolve system errors or performance issues; this is appropriate for system testing. For production systems, however, logging levels should be reduced to improve performance.

Log-related parameters applicable to session communications are summarized below. The AOM component logs activity related to the user's client session, including usage of the communications toolbar, screen pops, and so on. The CommSessionMgr logs activity related to this component, such as commands and events for the communications driver.

The logging for AOM and CommSessionMgr are written to separate files for each user. Typically (though not necessarily), these logging mechanisms both write into the same set of files. This makes it easier to monitor or troubleshoot issues related to session communications for a particular user session.

For details on these logging parameters, refer to Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide.

AOM Logging Parameters

AOM parameters that log session communications activity include:

CommSessionMgr Logging Parameters

CommSessionMgr parameters that log session communications activity include:

Dialogic CTI Driver Logging Parameters

Dialogic CTI (Siebel CTI Connect) communications driver parameters that log session communications activity include:

 Performance Tuning Guide 
 Published: 24 October 2003