Performance Tuning Guide > Monitoring Siebel Application Performance >

Enabling and Configuring Siebel ARM on Siebel Server

Enabling and configuring Siebel ARM on the Siebel Server requires the setting of three parameters at the Siebel Server or individual server component level:

Use the Server Manager GUI or Server Manager command-line interface to set the Siebel ARM parameters.

For further details on using the Server Manager GUI and command-line interface, and on administering server parameters, refer to Siebel Server Administration Guide.

For background information on the individual Siebel ARM parameters, see:

The following tasks are part of Process for Enabling and Configuring Siebel ARM.

Enabling and Configuring Siebel ARM at Siebel Server Level

The following procedures describe how to enable and configure Siebel ARM at the Siebel Server level. Procedures are provided using the Server Manager GUI and the Server Manager command-line interface.

To enable and configure Siebel ARM on the Siebel Server with Server Manager GUI

  1. Navigate to the Siebel Servers screen.
  2. Click the Server Parameters view tab.
  3. In the Siebel Servers list, select the Siebel Server you want to modify.
  4. In the Server Parameters list, change the Current Value field of the parameter SARM Enabled (alias SARMEnabled) to TRUE.
  5. Modify the parameters SARM Memory Size Limit (alias SARMMaxMemory) and SARM Data File Size Limit (alias SARMMaxFileSize) if required.
  6. For changes to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server. For details on this procedure, refer to Siebel Server Administration Guide.

Figure 7 shows an example of setting the Siebel Server parameters for Siebel ARM.

Figure 7.  Setting the Siebel Server Parameters for Siebel ARM
Click for full size image

To enable and configure Siebel ARM on a Siebel Server using the Server Manager command-line interface

  1. Start Server Manager command-line interface (srvrmgr program).

    For details on this procedure, refer to Siebel Server Administration Guide.

  2. To enable Siebel ARM at the Siebel Server level, enter:

    change parameter SARMEnabled=TRUE for server siebel_server_name

    NOTE:  If required, configure the parameters SARMMaxMemory and SARMMaxFileSize with separate commands or in the same command using a comma-delimited list. For further details on parameter administration using the Server Manager command-line interface, refer to Siebel Server Administration Guide.

  3. For the changes to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server as follows:

    Enter: shutdown appserver siebel_server_name

    Enter: startup appserver siebel_server_name

Enabling and Configuring Siebel ARM at Server Component Level

The following procedures describe how to enable and configure Siebel ARM at the server component level. Procedures are provided using the Server Manager GUI and the Server Manager command-line interface.

To enable and configure Siebel ARM on a server component with Server Manager GUI

  1. Navigate to the Components screen.
  2. Click the Component Parameters view tab.
  3. In the Server Components list, select the component you want to modify.
  4. In the Component Parameters list, change the Current Value field of the parameter SARM Enabled (alias SARMEnabled) to TRUE. (To make the parameter dynamic, check the Effective Immediately? flag.)
  5. Modify the parameters SARM Memory Size Limit (alias SARMMaxMemory) and SARM Data File Size Limit (alias SARMMaxFileSize) if required. (To make the parameters dynamic, check the Effective Immediately? flag.)
  6. For changes to take effect, stop and restart the server component. For details on this procedure, refer to Siebel Server Administration Guide.

Figure 8 shows an example of setting the server component parameters for Siebel ARM.

Figure 8.  Setting the Siebel Server Component Parameters for Siebel ARM
Click for full size image

To enable and configure Siebel ARM on a server component using the Server Manager command-line interface

  1. Start Server Manager command-line interface (srvrmgr program).

    For details on this procedure, refer to Siebel Server Administration Guide.

  2. To enable Siebel ARM at the server component level, enter:

    change parameter SARMEnabled=TRUE for component component_alias_name for server siebel_server_name

    NOTE:  If required, configure the parameters SARMMaxMemory and SARMMaxFileSize with separate commands or in the same command using a comma-delimited list. For further details on parameter administration using the Server Manager command-line interface, refer to Siebel Server Administration Guide.

  3. For the changes to take effect, stop and restart the server component as follows:

    Enter: shutdown component component_alias_name for server siebel_server_name

    Enter: startup component component_alias_name for server siebel_server_name

 Performance Tuning Guide 
 Published: 24 October 2003