Siebel Portal Framework Guide > Delivering Content to External Web Applications > SWE API >

SWE Commands

Table 14 provides a list of commonly used SWE Commands.

Table 14.  SWE Commands
Supported Values
Short Format
Required Args (with Description)
Optional Args (with Description)
For a list of commonly used methods, see Table 15.
Checks whether a method can be invoked on an applet, a business service, a buscomp, or the SWE application.
Called only when OM is in High Interactivity mode.
The optional SWEService, SWEBusComp, and SWEApplet arguments are used to specify the Siebel object that the method should be invoked on. If none of these are specified, SWE will check the CanInvokeMethod state of the method on the SWE application object, which currently supports a limited set of InvokeMethod, such as Logoff, SortOrder, SaveQuery, and SaveQueryAs.
SWEMethod - name of the method.
SWEService - name of the business service to check whether the method can be invoked.
SWEBusComp - name of the business component to check whether the method can be invoked.
SWEApplet - name of the applet to check whether the method can be invoked.
Executes login for a user.
SWEUserName - user name.
SWEPassword - password.
Goes to a Siebel Web page (this is the Web page object defined in Siebel Tools).
SWEPage - name of the Web page.
Goes to a Siebel screen. Will show the default view for the screen.
SWEScreen - name of the screen.
Goes to a Siebel view.
If the SWEPostnApplet and SWEPostnRowId arguments are specified, it will execute a search for the specified rowId in the specified applet.
If SWEQMApplet and SWEQMMethod arguments are specified, it will invoke the method after going to the view.
SWEView - name of the view.
SWEKeepContext - if TRUE, keeps the current business object context, when requesting to a view based on the same business object.
SWEPostnApplet - name of the applet on which the search should executed.
SWEPostnRowId - row Id to search for.
SWEQMApplet - name of the QueueMethod applet. This is the applet where the method (as specified in SWEQMMethod) should be invoked after going to the view.
SWEQMMethod - name of the QueueMethod method to be invoked. You can invoke only one method.
SWEQMArgs - arguments of the QueueMethod method.
For a list of commonly used methods, see Table 15.
Invokes a method on an applet, a business service, a business component, or the SWE application.
The optional SWEService, SWEBusComp, and SWEApplet arguments are used to specify the Siebel object on which the method should be invoked. If none of these are specified, SWE will invoke on the SWE application object, which currently supports a limited set of InvokeMethod such as Logoff, SortOrder, SaveQuery, and SaveQueryAs.
SWEMethod - name of the method.
SWEService - name of the business service to invoke the method.
SWEBusComp - name of the business component to invoke the method.
SWEApplet - name of the applet to invoke the method.
SWEView - name of the view to invoke the method
Loads a business service on the server side.
SWEService - name of the business service to load.
Loads the login view or login page. SWE first looks at the Acknowledgment Web View property of the application object in the repository for the login view to show. If not specified, the default is the "Acknowledgment Web Page" property to show the login page.
Executes the database logoff, then shows the logoff view or page. SWE first looks at the Logoff Acknowledgment Web Page property of the application object in the repository for the login page to show. If none is specified, SWE will show the login view or login page, depending on how you log in.
Reloads personalization info. SWE loads the initial personalization on startup, and when the personalization rules are changed, SWE does not update the info automatically since there is cost in performance, so SWE provides this command to reload the info.

NOTE:  The SWEAC command allows users to string two SWE commands in a single request. For example the following URL does a SWECmd=ExecuteLogin, and then a SWEAC=GotoPageTab.


 Siebel Portal Framework Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004