Siebel Portal Framework Guide > Web Engine HTTP TXN Business Service >

Web Engine HTTP TXN Business Service API

Table 17 lists the methods exposed by the Web Engine HTTP TXN Business Service.

Table 17.  Web Engine HTTP TXN Business Service API
Retrieves all request cookies sent from the client to the server.
InputArguments: Ignored.
OutputArguments: Property Set hierarchy. Each cookie is a child Property Set with the TYPE property set to the cookie name.
Retrieves all request headers sent from the client to the server.
InputArguments: Ignored.
OutputArguments: Property Set containing the HTTP Parameter name-value pairs.
Retrieves all response cookies sent from the server to the client.
InputArguments: Ignored.
OutputArguments: Property Set hierarchy. Each cookie is a child Property Set with the TYPE property set to the cookie name.
Retrieves all response headers sent from the server to the client.
InputArguments: Ignored.
OutputArguments: Property Set containing the HTTP Header name-value pairs.
Retrieves all server variables.
InputArguments: Ignored.
OutputArguments: Property Set containing the Server Variable name-value pairs.
Retrieves the client certificate info.
InputArguments: Ignored.
OutputArguments: Property Set containing certificate name-value pairs. Currently only returns Common Name (CN) property of the certificate.
Retrieves the request cookies named in InputArguments.
InputArguments: Property Set containing the cookie names to retrieve.
OutputArguments: Property Set hierarchy. Each cookie is a child Property Set with the TYPE property set to the cookie name.
Retrieves the request headers named in InputArguments.
InputArguments: Property Set containing the header names to retrieve.
OutputArguments: Property Set containing the HTTP Header name-value pairs.
Retrieves the request Web Session, Headers, Cookies, Parameters and Client Certificate information in one call.
InputArguments: Ignored
OutputArguments: Property Set hierarchy. Each section is a child Property Set with the TYPE property set to 'Headers', 'Cookies', 'Parameters' or 'ClientCertificate'. The Web Session information is simply stored as properties of OutputArguments.
Retrieves the request parameters named in InputArguments.
InputArguments: Property Set containing the parameter names to retrieve.
OutputArguments: Property Set containing the HTTP Parameter name-value pairs.
Retrieves the response cookies named in InputArguments.
InputArguments: Property Set containing the cookie names to retrieve.
OutputArguments: Property Set hierarchy. Each cookie is a child Property Set with the TYPE property set to the cookie name.
Retrieves the response headers named in InputArguments.
InputArguments: Property Set containing the header names to retrieve.
OutputArguments: Property Set containing the HTTP Header name-value pairs.
Retrieves the response Headers and Cookies in one call.
InputArguments: Ignored.
OutputArguments: Property Set hierarchy. Each section is a child Property Set with the TYPE property set to 'Headers' or 'Cookies'. Content Type and Status are simply stored as properties of OutputArguments.
Retrieves the server variables named in InputArguments.
InputArguments: Property Set containing the server variable names to retrieve.
OutputArguments: Property Set containing the Server Variable name-value pairs.
Retrieves the client's Web session information.
InputArguments: Ignored.
OutputArguments: Property Set containing the Web session name-value pairs—SessionName;
Cookie Name;
Web Session ID;
SessionFrom (Value is 'URL' or 'COOKIE').
Sets the response cookies to the values in InputArguments.
InputArguments: Property Set hierarchy. Each cookie is a child Property Set with the TYPE property set to the cookie name. The PERSISTENT property determines whether the cookie will persist between sessions. If the value is Y, the cookie persists between browser sessions. Otherwise, the cookie exists on a per session basis.
OutputArguments: Ignored.
Sets the response headers to the values in InputArguments.
InputArguments: Property Set containing the HTTP Header name-value pairs.
OutputArguments: Ignored.
Sets the response Headers and Cookies in one call.
InputArguments: Property Set hierarchy. Each section is a child Property Set with the TYPE property set to 'Headers' or 'Cookies'. Content Type and Status are simply stored as properties of InputArguments.
OutputArguments: Ignored.

 Siebel Portal Framework Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004