Pricing Administration Guide > Siebel ePricer Deployment and Integration > Siebel Pricing Manager API >

Pricing Manager Business Component User Properties

Pricing Manager business component user properties are described in Table 52. These are the user properties on the newly-created business components used to call the Pricing Manager.

Table 52.  Pricing Manager Business Component User Properties
I/O Type,
Data Type
Valid Values *
Sample Values
Additional Buscomps for Siebel ePricer
I/O Type: Input
DTYPE: n/a
Any buscomp being executed for pricing within the current business object, for example in order entry: Order Entry > Order Entry" and Order Entry > Line Item.
"Quote, Quote Item XA
Used to identify the business components that will be used by the pricing engine. The sample data indicates that Quote and Quote ItemXA buscomp are used. This allows the user to define rules similar to this: If Quote.Account = A.K. Parker, then apply discount of 10%.
Calculate Price Post Method Invoke 0
I/O Type: n/a
DTYPE: n/a
Any business component method supported by an active business component can be added here. Use the arguments supported by the method, for example, Quote.RefreshMVGBusComp (Quote Item).
Calculate PriceAll Pre Final Method Invoke 0
I/O Type: n/a
DTYPE: n/a
Any business component method supported by an active business component can be added here. Use the arguments supported by the method, for example Quote.RefreshMVGBusComp(Quote Item).
(Quote Item)
CalculatePriceAll concerns 2 processes: (1) calculate pricing for each single item and (2) calculate aggregate pricing. The method in the example is invoked between these processes. The effect of this is to refresh the Quote Total such that it holds the correct sum of prices from items, since item prices change during
Step 1.
This causes Siebel ePricer to invoke the Quote.RefreshMVGBus- Comp method with the argument "Quote Item" immediately after single product pricing for each item, which is before the aggregate portion of CalculatePriceAll method is called.
Yes. (Unless Customer needs to change the fundamental way in which quote totals are calculated.)
Complex Object Instance Name
I/O Type: n/a
DTYPE: n/a
For customizable products: If the customizable product is supported for this buscomp, this indicates the name of the integration object for the customizable product.
Required only if customizable product functionality is to be sup-ported.
Complex Object Instance Root Id
I/O Type: n/a
DTYPE: n/a
This is the ID of the header of the customizable product instance. For example, it would be the row Id of the Quote Header. Every customizable product requires a Header ID, a Root Product ID, and an XA).
Required only if customizable product functionality is to be sup-ported.
Current Volume Discount Field
I/O Type: Output
DTYPE: n/a
Name of the field that would receive the name of the current volume discount.
Volume Discount Item
The volume discount to which you are currently entitled, based on the quantity.
Only required if volume discount needs to be displayed.
Current Volume Discount Id Field
I/O Type: Output
DTYPE: (Siebel) Id
Name of the field that would receive the row ID of the current volume discount.
Volume Discount Item Id
The ID of the volume discount to which you are currently entitled, based on the quantity.
Only required if volume discount needs to be displayed.
Discount Amount Field
I/O Type: Output
DTYPE: Number
The name of the field that displays the total discount amount as calculated by the pricing engine.
Discount Amount
The field in which Discount Amount is to be stored after the pricing calculation. This is the main result field. After all volume discount and Pricing factor calculations are completed, the difference between start price and net price will be output to this field. The value includes volume discounts and all pricing factors except pricing attribute adjustments (because attribute adjustments are already included in the start price).
Discount Comments
I/O Type: Output
The name of the field that displays the pricing comments for the aggregate factors.
Quote.Discount Reason
The field in which pricing comments are to be stored. These are the reasons for firing each aggregate pricing factor that adjusted the quote total.
No, unless Aggregate factor is used.
Discount Source Field
I/O Type: Input and Output
Field name to store the discount source code as outlined in the description. When Siebel ePricer changes the discount amount, this field is updated to value Pricer. When users override the discount fields (for example, discount%, discount price, discount amount), this field is updated to Manual. The default value is Pricer.
Discount Amount
This field stores the source of the discount, which must be one of two values, Pricer or Manual. Pricer indicates that this discount results from a Siebel ePricer engine calculation. Manual indicates that this discount results from a manual operation.
This is not required, but without this field, all discounts will be treated as Pricer discounts.
Exclude Pricing Flag Field
I/O Type: Input
The name of the field that displays the Keep Discount flag.
Keep Discount
A Boolean field to indicate whether the pricing engine should keep the current discount. If this field has a runtime value of TRUE, the pricing engine will not update the discount fields: (Disc%, Discount Amount, Discount Price). If not supplied, the pricing engine treats this value is FALSE.
Is Complex Product Root
I/O Type: Input
The name of the field that is set to TRUE for line items that are the root product of a customizable product.
Indicates that this product is the root product of a customizable product.
Not required if no customizable product is to be supported.
List Price Field
I/O Type: Output
DTYPE: Currency
The field name that contains the start price.
Adjusted List Price
The List Price field, includes attribute adjustments on they original list price or promotional price if they exist.
Need Refresh List Price Field
I/O Type: Input
The field name that contains the indicator for refreshing the list price.
Quote.Quote Expired
When the value of this field is TRUE, the pricing engine will use the latest price list price to calculate the pricing. Otherwise, the pricing engine will use the existing base price of the item to update the price. When the quote has expired, the pricing engine will refresh the start price from the price list.
No. Default Value is FALSE
Net Price Field
I/O Type: Input
DTYPE: Currency
The field name that contains a calculated value for net price.
Item Price
The net price field for the item. This field is likely to be a calculated field resulting from Start price and the discount Fields (Disc%, Discount Amount, Disc Price).
Required for bundle type of factor.
Next Volume Discount Field
I/O Type: Output
Field name used to store the name of the next level volume discount.
Volume Upsell Item
Similar to current discount. This is the next higher level of volume discount for the Item. More specifically, this is the next higher level or tier of volume discounting, based on the current quantity. The buyer would be entitled to this volume discount if the buyer purchased a qualifying higher quantity of the Item.
Required if volume discount is used.
Next Volume Discount Id Field
I/O Type: Output
DTYPE: (Siebel) Id
Field name used to store the row Id of the next level volume discount.
Volume Upsell Item Id
Similar to current discount ID. This is the ID of the next higher level of volume discount for the Item. See description of NextVolumeDiscount Item.
Required if volume discount is used.
Original List Price Field
I/O Type: Output
DTYPE: n/a
The name of the field that contains the list price from the price list.
Base Price
The original list price field. The value is from the price list. It is set to the promotional price if there is one. If not, it is set to the list price. This price does not include attribute pricing adjustments.
Price List Id Field
I/O Type: Input
DTYPE: (Siebel) Id
The name of the field that contains the price list row Id.
Quote.Price List Id
This field contains the price list ID. (usually stated at the quote header).
Price Model Id Field
I/O Type: Input
DTYPE: (Siebel) Id
The name of the field that contains the pricing model row Id.
Quote.Price Model Id
This field contains the price model ID and is used only for nonproduct pricing.
Yes only if non- product pricing is involved.
Pricing Comments Field
I/O Type: Output
DTYPE: Text (250 char limit)
The name of the field that contains line item price model comments.
Pricing Comments
The field in which pricing comments are to be stored. Contains the reasons for firing each pricing factor that adjusted the quote Item.
Pricing Enabled
I/O Type: Input
DTYPE: Calculated
This is set to 'Y' to indicate the business component needs to invoke Siebel ePricer.
This field is a user property that is set for a business component that is used to trigger the Siebel ePricer logic.
Product Id Field
I/O Type: Input
DTYPE: (Siebel) Id
This is the name of the field that stores the product ID.
Product Id
Contains a unique product Id.
Product Item Flag Field
I/O Type: Input
This is the name of the field that indicates this as a product or nonproduct item.
If this flag is TRUE, the record is treated as a product record. Otherwise, the record will be treated as nonproduct item such as an eTraining course or an event.
No. Default Value is TRUE
Quantity Field
I/O Type: Input
DTYPE: n/a
This is the name of the field that stores the item quantity.
Quantity Requested
Quantity of the product.
Skip Pricing Field
I/O Type: Input
This is name of the field that contains the indicator of whether or not Siebel ePricer should fire.
Skip Pricing Flag
If this flag is set to TRUE, the entire pricing operation is skipped. This is different from the Exclude pricing flag, which only excludes the discounting functions but still calculates the start price and original list price. Currently this field is used to skip the pricing of customizable product components. Pricing for customizable product components should be priced only within the object instance.
No, Default is FALSE.
Total Current Price Field
I/O Type: Input
DTYPE: Currency
This is the name of the field that stores the total extended price of all items in the quote.
Quote.Total Current Price
This is the total of all Net Price values for items in the quote.
No, unless Aggregate factor is used.
Total Discount Amount
I/O Type: Output
DTYPE: Currency
This is the name of the field that stores the total extended amount from the bundle or aggregate factors.
Quote.Discount Amount
This is the discount adjustment for aggregate factors at the quote (parent) level.
No, unless aggregate or bundling-type factors are allowed.
Total List Price Field
I/O Type: Input
DTYPE: Currency
This is the name of the field that stores the total non-extended price.
Quote.Total List Price
This is the total of all start price values for items in the quote.
No, unless Aggregate factor is used.
Upsell Message Field
I/O Type: Output
The name of the field that should receive and display the upsell message.
Volume Upsell Message
This is the volume discount upsell message.
Yes, unless no volume discount is allowed.
Volume Discount Id Field
I/O Type: Output
DTYPE: (Siebel) Id
Not applicable
Volume Discount Id
This is not necessarily needed. It is supplied for historic purposes. This field stores the ID of the Volume Discount object. This is not the volume discount item, but the parent of it. It defines discount type and effective dates.
No, for volume discount.

* All of the values for field names have a format of: BusCompName.BusCompFieldName. If no BusCompName is supplied, it implies that the field appears in the main buscomp where the pricing button is pressed.

 Pricing Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003