Product Administration Guide > Build Customizable Products >

About Relationships

You add items to a customizable product by defining relationships. A relationship can be defined for a single product, a group of products, or the products in a class.

The relationships you define for a customizable product are component type relationships. This means the items in the relationship are components of the customizable product. For example, you define a relationship called Hard Drives for the customizable product Desktop Computer. You specify that it contains all the products assigned to the Disk Drive class. This makes the disk drives in this class components of the customizable product Desktop Computer.

Relationships are analogous to the branches of a tree. The main trunk is the root of the customizable product. Each branch is a relationship. The leaves at the end of each branch are the components you add to the relationship.

Relationships form the framework of a customizable product. They are also the framework underlying the user interface you design for the product. For example, you sell configurable computers. The buyer can choose among several monitors, several keyboards, and several CD-ROMs when configuring a computer. You could create a relationship called Monitors, another called Keyboards, and one called CD-ROMS. You would then specify the products to include in each relationship. You could then design the user interface to present monitors, keyboards, and CD-ROMs each on a separate selection page.

When you design a customizable product, begin by defining a framework of relationships. Keep in mind that each relationship represents a distinct, configurable part of the product.

Figure 4 shows a relationship framework in a customizable product.

Customizable products and the product class system both include hierarchies. However, these hierarchies differ in important ways. In the product class system, inheritance is used to propagate attribute definitions downward through the class system. By contrast, inheritance plays no role in the hierarchy of components in a customizable product. Attributes inherited by a customizable product because of its membership in a product class do not propagate to the component products in the customizable product.

For example, a customizable product belongs to a product class that has the attribute Color (red, green, blue). The customizable product as a whole inherits this attribute but its components do not. For example, if the customizable product is a laptop computer, this means the laptop comes in three colors, red, green, or blue.

However, these colors are not inherited by any of the components of the laptop. For example, if the laptop has a CD-ROM, it does not inherit these colors. The color attribute of the CD-ROM (if it has one) is defined in the product class from which it comes, not in the customizable product in which it resides.

When you create a relationship for a customizable product, you create a record in the Product Designer that contains the following fields:

When you expand the Relationship Name folder, each product in the relationship displays as a separate record with the following fields.

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003