Product Administration Guide > Customizable Product User Interface >

About the Menu-Based Interface

A special set of themes and UI controls is provided to build a menu-based interface:

The menu-based interface displays each group as a menu item. When the user clicks on the group name, a pane opens and displays the items that can be selected in that group. When the user makes a selection, the selection is displayed below the group name. Figure 9 shows a menu-based selection page. Two groups have been defined, Stereos and Options. The user's selection is shown below each group.

Figure 9.  Example of Menu-Based Selection Page

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Both group names are hyperlinks. If the user clicks on the Options group, a pane displaying the contents of that group opens as shown in Figure 10. The user can then select items from that group. When the user is finished, they click Menu to close the pane.

Figure 10.  Option Package Group

Click for full size image

Observe the following guidelines when using these themes and controls:

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003