Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide > Expense Reporting >

Recording Expenses in the My Expense Diary View

My Expense Diary is a view in which end users can log expenses against projects, tasks, or activities.

The following procedure explains how to record an expense using the My Expense Diary view.

To record an expense using the My Expense Diary view

  1. Navigate to the Expense Reports screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Expense Diary.
  3. In the My Expense Diary list, add a new record.
  4. Complete the fields in the My Expense Diary list and in the More Info form. Some fields are described in the following table.
  5. Field
    Customer or potential customer organization associated with the expense.
    Amount of money spent.
    Activity that required the expenditure.
    When selected, indicates that the expense can be billed to the associated account.
    General category of expense. Typical values include Client Billable, Client Investment, and Internal. Available values are set in the PROJECT_CLASS list of values.
    Converted Amount
    Amount of the expense multiplied by the exchange rate. This field is read-only.
    Contacts associated with the expense. A typical use of this field might be to record the clients who were present at a dinner for clients.
    When Type is set to Mileage, the Distance field displays the number of miles driven.
    Employees associated with the expense. A typical use of this field might be to record the employees who were present at a dinner for clients.
    Final day on which the expense was incurred. Defaults to the value of the Start field.
    Sales opportunity associated with the expense.
    Other Taxes
    Hotel taxes other than sales tax, such as state or local taxes.
    When Type is set to Mileage, the Rate field displays the charge per unit of distance. This field is read-only. This value is set in the Expense Reports view of the User Preferences screen. Depending on your implementation, this view may be visible only to administrators.
    Room Rate
    When Type is set to Hotel, the Room Rate field displays charge per unit of time for a hotel room.
    When Type is set to Mileage, the Route field displays information about the route or routes driven.
    When selected, indicates that the expense should be reimbursed. When cleared, indicates that the expense was personal (such as renting a movie during a hotel stay) and should not be reimbursed. Defaults to selected.
    First day on which the expense was incurred. Defaults to today's date.
    Task associated with the expense.
    When Type is set to Hotel, the Tax field records taxes paid on hotel accommodation charge.
    Kind of expense incurred.

    NOTE:  To record additional expense items, repeat Step 3 and Step 4 of this procedure.

 Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003