Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Routing Models for Financial Services >

Using Routing Models in Siebel Financial Services

This section describes the routing models available out-of-the box in Siebel Financial Services. Each model determines what data will be extracted to, and what follow-on transactions will be routed to, Mobile Web Clients belonging to that model.

Each mobile user is associated with one routing model. A Routing Model includes a set of routing rules. The union of the routing rules determines whether a record will be routed to a Mobile Web Client. By careful application of specific routing models, local database sizes can be reduced, and, as a result, so are synchronization times and transaction application times.

CAUTION:  Make sure Routing Models are consistent with the responsibilities and positions of the mobile users. The responsibilities and position of an employee determine the access that person has to the Server database. Balancing the data routing model with a user's access helps to optimize the size of that user's local database.

Siebel Financial Services includes the following, pre-defined, financial-services-specific routing models as indicated Table 38.

Table 38.  Pre-defined Siebel Financial Services Routing Models
Routing Model
Siebel Responsibility
Institutional Finance Sales Manager
Institutional Finance Sales Manager
Institutional Finance Analyst
Institutional Finance Analyst
Credit Originator
Credit Originator
Insurance Sales Agent
Insurance Sales Agent
Insurance Sales Manager
Insurance Sales Manager
Claims Adjuster
Claims Adjuster
Claims Manager
Claims Manager

Each of these models should be used with a specific Siebel Responsibility as shown above. For customers that have a business requirement to reduce the amount of data replicated to mobile users, use one of the specialized routing models may be appropriate. Before deploying Siebel Remote with any of these specialized routing models, it is strongly recommended that you discuss this with Siebel Technical Support.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003