Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Getting Started > Additional Siebel-Actuate Reporting Issues >

Upgrading Custom Reports

Upgrading custom reports involves a short process to complete. The following steps will need to be completed for each custom report you have created.

Before starting, make sure that the latest release of Actuate e.Report Designer Professional version 6.0 is installed on your machine. The following upgrade instructions are specifically for Siebel Reports 6.0 and later. For more information, read Upgrading to Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 in the Actuate documentation section on the Siebel eBusiness Third-Party Bookshelf.

To upgrade a custom report to version 7.x for Actuate 6

  1. Using an existing custom report from version 6.0 and later, retrieve an ROD (report design) file.
  2. Generate an ROL (report library) file from Siebel Tools.
    1. In Siebel Tools, navigate to Reports and select a desired report.
    2. From the Tools menu, select the Generate Actuate Report option.
  3. Place the ROD file and the generated ROL file (and other necessary libraries) in a directory on your machine.
  4. Open the ROD file in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional.
  5. Compile the report to generate an ROX (report executable) file by selecting the Build option from the Report menu.

NOTE:  Regarding upgrading of the sscustom.rol file from one release to the next, the format of the file is upgraded, but any custom changes are not. After an upgrade you have to manually add any changes and adjustments to the new version of the sscustom.rol.

 Siebel Reports Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 July 2003