Siebel Sales User Guide > Competitors >

Viewing Competitor Comparisons

In many sales situations it is necessary to discuss competitive information with a prospect. Using the Competitors screen, you can view comparisons about companies, products, and services, and also find literature to prepare for sales calls.

To view competitor comparisons

  1. Navigate to the Competitors screen, and in the Competitors list, select the competitor.
  2. Click the Company Comparisons view tab.
  3. The Company Comparisons, Competitor's Literature, and Comparative Literature lists appear, as shown in the following figure.

    Click for full size image

  4. In the Competitor's Literature list, select the literature item you want to view, and then drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.
  5. In the Comparative Literature list, select the literature item you want to view, and then drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.

 Siebel Sales User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003