Siebel Sales User Guide > Quotes >

Revising a Quote

You revise a quote to keep it up-to-date with the most current products, price lists, discounts, and so on. During negotiations with a customer, you may revise quotes to add and delete items, making sure the quote addresses the customer's budget.

The Revise feature allows you to edit or change the original quote. Revisions do not create a new quote, but instead add a revised quote to the list associated with the opportunity. When you revise a quote, the original quote becomes inactive and read-only.

To revise a quote

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen.
  2. In the Opportunities list, select the opportunity with which the quote is associated, and then click the Quotes view tab.
  3. In the Quotes list, select the quote and then click Revise.
  4. A new quote, with the same quote number, appears beneath the one you selected to revise.

  5. Revise the information as needed, and then click Save.
  6. The following figure shows the original quote record and the revised quote record in the Quotes list. You can verify the revision by looking in the Revision column.

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 Siebel Sales User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003