Siebel Sales User Guide > Quotes >

Renumbering Quote Line Items

After you have added all the line items for a quote, you can change the sequence of the items. Items appear in numbered sequence for orders and reports, and you may want to renumber them using a sequence that makes sense to your customer.

To renumber line items

  1. Navigate to the Quotes screen.
  2. In the Quotes list, locate the quote record, and in the Name field, drill down on the hyperlink.
  3. In the Line Items list, navigate through the columns until you see the Line field.
  4. In the Line field for each item, renumber as desired.
  5. Click the up or down arrow on the Line field to sort the line numbers in ascending or descending order.
  6. This action re-sorts the list based on the numbers you assigned in Step 4. Clicking the menu and choosing Renumber only generates sequential integer numbers so that your items now appear neatly sequenced.

  7. In the Line Item List, click the menu button, and then click Renumber.

 Siebel Sales User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003