Siebel Search Administration Guide > Administration of Siebel Search > Search Execution Settings >

Server Report Time Setting

This setting specifies the maximum interval (in milliseconds), during which a SearchServer API function will be permitted to execute before returning control to the application. The numeric value that is specified can be rounded up to the nearest second, depending on the operating system.


Property: Server Report Time

Value: 200

To create server report time setting

  1. Navigate to Search Administration > Basic Settings.
  2. From the Setting Properties menu, select New Record.
  3. A new row appears in the Setting Properties list.

  4. Click in the Name column of the new row, and from the drop-down list, select Server Report Time.
  5. Click in the Value column of the new row, and in the text box, enter the server report time value, and then step off the record to save it.

 Siebel Search Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 June 2003