Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Troubleshooting Security Issues > Monitoring Application and User Activity >

Viewing Usage of Employee and Partner Applications

The Named User Monitor view contains a usage history record for each Siebel application running. The usage history record shows a running total of all named users who have logged into the application. The total is initialized at zero and incremented each time a new user logs on.

The usage history record for each application has a set of user log records associated with it: one user log record for each user ID who has logged into the application.

License Tracking scans for login identifiers every 5 minutes. Any login IDs not previously encountered are added to the User Log list for the application.

When a user's login is deactivated, the user log record is automatically deleted from the Named User Monitor view. For information about deactivating employees, see Deactivating an Employee.

To view named users

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Application Administration > Named User Monitor.
  2. In the Usage History list, select the record for the application you want to review.
  3. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Limit Exceeded?
    Yes or No.
    The name of the Siebel application being monitored, for example Siebel Sales.
    # of Named Licenses
    The number of named-user licenses purchased for the application.
    # of Named Users
    Total number of named users who have logged on to date. An exception is flagged when this number exceeds the # of Named Licenses.

  4. In the User Log list, review the log records associated with the record selected in Step 2.
  5. Some fields are described in the following table.


    Login ID

    User ID for login.

    First Login

    The first day and time a client logged into the application.

    Last Login

    The date and time of the user's most recent login.

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003