Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Access Control > Administering Access-Group Access Control >

Administering Access Groups

You can group parties of types Position, Organization, Household, and User List into access groups for the purpose of controlling their individual members' access to data.

You administer access groups in the Group Administration screen by choosing View > Site Map > Group Administration > Access Groups. This screen contains the Access Groups tree and the Access Groups list.

The Access Groups tree lists all access groups on the second level of the tree. Each access group can be expanded to show its descendants. Therefore, an access group may appear at different levels in multiple branches of the tree.

An access group that has no parent access group is the top node of an access group hierarchy.

For information about access groups, see Access Control for Parties and Access-Group Access Control.

Creating an Access Group

You can create an access group in the Group Administration screen.

To create an access group

  1. Choose View > Site Map > Group Administration > Access Groups.
  2. The Access Groups tree and the Access Groups list appear.

  3. In the Access Groups list, add a new record.
  4. A new access group record.

  5. Complete the following fields, using the guidelines provided in the following table, and then click Save.
  6. Field
    Required. Provide a name for the access group.
    Group Type
    Pick Access Group or Partner Community. These labels denote conceptual differences. Functionally, they are the same.
    Parent Access Group
    Specify a parent access group from which this new group inherits access to data that the parent group has access to.

    The new access group also appears in the Access Groups tree.

Modifying an Access Group

You can modify an access group by adding or deleting members.

To add members to an access group

  1. Choose View > Site Map > Group Administration > Access Groups.
  2. The Access Groups list appears.

  3. In the Access Groups list, select an access group.
  4. In the Members list, add a new record.
  5. A pop-up list appears that contains positions, organizations, accounts, households, and user lists.

  6. Select one or more members, and then click OK.
  7. The selected members appear in the Members list.

  8. In the Access Groups list, click Save.

You can delete members from an access group similarly.

Modifying an Access Group Hierarchy

You can modify the hierarchy of an access group by changing an access group's parent.

To modify a hierarchy of access groups

  1. Choose View > Site Map > Group Administration > Access Groups.
  2. The Access Groups list appears.

  3. In the Access Groups list, select an access group.
  4. Click on the Parent Access Group field.
  5. The text box becomes editable and its entry is highlighted, as shown below.

    Click for full size image

  6. Do one of the following to modify the hierarchy:

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003