Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Seed Data >

Seed Employee

One Employee record is provided as seed data at installation, as described in Table 23. This record does not have a database login or a responsibility, but, like other employees, it does have a position and an organization.

Customer users, such as Siebel eService users, are not assigned their own position or organization. When a customer user logs in, the application programmatically associates the proxy employee with the user. The proxy employee provides the following functions:

The proxy employee is specified at the application level as a Name Server parameter.

For information about associating the proxy employee with an application, see Name Server Parameters.

For information about organization access control, see About Access Control Mechanisms.

Table 23.  Proxy Employee Seed Data Field Values
Last Name
First Name
User ID
Proxy Employee
Default Organization

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003