Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Communications and Data Encryption >

Business Component Encryption

This section describes how to use Siebel Tools to enable and disable encryption for business components fields.

Encrypting field data is subject to the following restrictions and requirements:

For more information about performing some of the tasks described in this section, see Siebel Tools Reference.

Siebel Systems provides the RC2 Encryptor, based on RSA encryption, to allow you to encrypt data fields. For information about using the RC2 Encryptor to add encryption keys to the keyfile and change the keyfile password, see RC2 Encryption Administration.

Setting Encryption User Properties

Application developers can encrypt fields in a business component by setting the encryption user properties described here. When encryption is turned on, data written to the field is encrypted and data read from the field is decrypted.

To turn on encryption

  1. Start Siebel Tools.
  2. Select the business component that contains the field you want to encrypt.
  3. Select the field you want to encrypt.
  4. For example, in the Quote business component, the Credit Card Number field has field user properties for encryption.

  5. In the field user properties, set the following encryption values:
  6. Field User Property
    • Y indicates the field is encrypted.
    • N indicates the field is not encrypted.
    Encrypt Service Name
    RC2 Encryptor
    Sets the type of encryption to use for the field.
    Encrypt Key Field
    Specify the field on the business component where the encryption key index is stored.
    For the Credit Card Number field in the Quote business component, this user property is set to Credit Card Number Key Index.
    Encrypt ReadOnly Field
    Specify a calculated field that determines whether the data in the encrypted field is read-only.
    Storing the data in read-only form may allow someone to recover it later.
    For example, for the Credit Card Number field in the Quote business component, this user property is set to the calculated field Credit Card Number - Read Only.
    • The calculated value of Credit Card Number - Read Only is Y (TRUE) if encryption or decryption fails—the field data is read-only.
    • The calculated value is N (FALSE) if encryption or decryption succeeds—the field data is editable.
    If you need to create an equivalent field for another business component, set it as calculated and do not specify a field value.

Table 3 shows some examples of Key Index Fields for business components.

Table 3.  Encryption Key Index Fields
Business Component
Key Index Field
Auction Invoice
Credit Card Number
Credit Card Number Key Index
FS Invoice
Credit Card Number
Credit Card Number Key Index
Order Entry - Orders
Credit Card Number
Credit Card Number Key Index
Personal Payment Profile
Account Number
Account Number Key Index
Credit Card Number
Credit Card Number Key Index
Cfg Favorites Quote Item
Credit Card Number
(Create a new field)
Get Users Data
(Create a new field)

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003