Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > User Administration > Forgot Your Password? >

Modifying Forgot Your Password?

You can modify the User Registration Forgot Password Process workflow process in the following ways:

In the User Registration Forgot Password Process workflow process, the Query User step invokes the FindContact method of the User Registration business service. This method queries the database for user records whose data matches the identification data provided by the user. If the query returns a unique record, the user can then prove he or she owns the record by answering the challenge question.

The parameters of the Query User step in User Registration Forgot Password Process are shown in Figure 13. These parameters include input arguments (such as EmailAddress, FirstName, and LastName) and output arguments (such as LoginName and RegError).

Figure 13.  Query User Step Parameters

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Table 18 describes the functions of parameters in the Query User step.

Table 18.  Query User Step Parameters
Comments About Values
Input Arguments
The Input Argument field values are the field names in the User Registration business component that the FindContact business service queries for a match. The comparison is made with the process property values given in the Property Name field. These process properties collect the entries made by the user.
Output Field: Id
Output Field: Login Name
As given by the Input Argument field values, the FindContact method is requested to return the Id and Login Name field values for each user record whose field values match the entries by the user. A temporary table of values is defined in which the rows are the records returned and the columns are given by the Value field values. One row of the temporary table contains the ID for a returned record in the Id column and the record's Login Name in the Login Name column.
Output Arguments
Login Name
Siebel Operation Object Id
  • Each Property Name field value is a process property name. The Login Name and Siebel Operation Object Id process properties receive values if FindContact returns a unique matching record. If a unique record is not determined that matches the criteria, RegError receives an error value.
  • Siebel Operation Object Id is used to identify the user record for subsequent operations in the workflow process, and it receives its value from the temporary table's Id column, that is, the ID of the user record. The Login Name process property receives its value from the temporary table's Login Name column, that is, the Login Name of the user record.

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003