Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > User Administration > Implementing Self-Registration >

Setting Configuration Parameters

The user directory can be administered through Siebel applications if you implement security adapter authentication. Changes such as adding a user or changing a password by an internal administrator, a delegated administrator, or when a user self-registers are propagated to the user directory.

You must set the following parameter for user data, including user name and password, to propagate to the user directory when users self-register:

For information about the functions of Siebel system preferences and the procedure for setting them, see System Preferences.

NOTE:  If you do not configure your security adapter authentication architecture to allow administration through the Siebel Web Client as described here, then you must manually create a record in the user directory whenever a new user of this application is created in the Siebel Database.

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003