Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > User Administration > Implementing Self-Registration >

Activating Workflow Processes

When you install your Siebel eBusiness Applications, you are provided the following workflow processes that control self-registration for several Siebel applications. These workflow processes together present a sequence of forms for the user to complete, perform data validation, and invoke database operations.

To view workflow processes

  1. From a Siebel employee application such as Siebel Call Center, navigate to the Business Process Administration screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down menu, choose Workflow Processes.
  3. The Workflow Processes list appears.

  4. In the Workflow Processes list, scroll or query to find and select a workflow process.
  5. Do one of the following, depending on the information about the process you want to see:

The registration workflow processes branch at various stages depending on these cases:

Table 17 lists the views specified in the workflow processes that provide interactive forms during self-registration.

Table 17.  Self-Registration Workflow Views
View Name
Applications that Use this View
User Registration Initial Form View
User Registration Password Error Msg View
User Registration Missing Info Msg View
User Registration Login Error Msg View
User Registration Legal Confirmation View
User Registration Confirmation Msg View
User Registration Declined View
These views, common to all applications that use the User Registration Process, comprise two groups:
  • Personal Information form and messages resulting from flawed entries or a duplicate user ID with an existing user record.
  • Usage Terms form and messages resulting from accepting or declining to agree.
User Registration Contact Information View
This view is the Contact Information form used by default.
User Registration Contact Information View (SCW)
User Registration Company Information - Company View (SCW)
User Registration Company Information - Individual View (SCW)
PRM Partner Portal
These views collect contact information and information about the user's company.
User Registration Contact Information View (eSales)
This view is the Contact Information form used by eSales and eAuction.
eAuction User Registration - Address
eAuction User Registration - Payment
eAuction User Registration - Seller
eAuction User Registration - Wireless Device
eAuction User Registration - Wireless Preferences
These views collect various specialized data for eAuction.

For the self-registration workflow processes to be invoked, they must have the Active status.

To activate a workflow process

  1. From a Siebel employee application such as Siebel Call Center, choose View > Site Map > Business Process Administration > Workflow Processes.
  2. The Workflow Processes list appears.

  3. In the Workflow Processes list, scroll or query to find and select a workflow process.
  4. If the process has status Active, then you do not have to activate it.

  5. To activate a workflow process, it must have the In Progress status. If the status is not In Progress, click Revise.
  6. A workflow process of the same name, but with an incremental version number, is created and selected. The original workflow process is given an Outdated status.

  7. Click Activate.
  8. The new process is given the Active status. It is the only version of this process that has the Active status, and it is the version that is invoked.

  9. Click Save.

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003