Siebel Server Administration Guide > Using the Siebel Server Manager GUI > Component Group and Server Component Administration >

Configuring Component Groups and Server Components

Configuring component groups and Siebel Server components involves the following steps:

Creating Component Groups

If you want to create your own defined components and assign them to component groups other than the predefined ones, then you will first need to create component groups before creating the defined components. Component groups allow you to run related tasks and administer related components in logical groupings.

To create a component group

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Configuration screen.
  2. Click the Enterprise Component Groups view tab.
  3. In the Enterprise Component Groups list, click the menu button and then New Record.
  4. In the Component Group field, type in a name for the component group.
  5. The name must be unique across the Siebel Enterprise Server and should expressively identify the component group.

  6. In the Component Group Alias field, type in an alias for the component group.
  7. The component group alias must:

  8. In the Description field, enter a description of the component group.
  9. Click the menu button and then Save Record.

Figure 4 shows an example of creating a component group named Sample Component Group.

Figure 4.  Creating a Component Group

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Creating Defined Components

If you wish to use customized components, you can create defined components or customize existing components. After it is defined, a component may have one of three definition states: Creating, Active, or Inactive.

Use the Enterprise Component Definitions view to configure (create, delete, or modify) defined components. Parameter values in a component definition are used to initialize the component on a specific Siebel Server. Changes to parameter values in component definitions only apply to the specified Siebel Server after it has been restarted. To configure defined components using the command-line interface, see Component Definition Commands.

NOTE:  If component definitions are created, modified, or deleted for batch-mode components, it is necessary to synchronize the components with the Siebel Name Server. For more information, see Synchronizing Server Components.

To create a defined component

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Configuration screen.
  2. Click the Component Definitions view tab.
  3. In the Component Definitions list, click the menu button and then New Record.
  4. In the Name field, type in a name for the component.
  5. The name must be unique across Siebel Enterprise Servers and should expressively identify the defined component.

  6. In the Alias field, type in an alias for the component.
  7. The component alias must:

  8. In the Component Type field, click the select button.
  9. The Component Types view appears.

  10. Select the component type that you want to use for this component and click OK.
  11. In the Description field, type in a description of this component.
  12. In the Component Group field, click the select button.
  13. The Component Group view appears.

  14. Select the component group in which this component will belong and click OK.
  15. The group must exist before you can select it. To create a component group, see Creating Component Groups.

    NOTE:  This selection cannot be modified after the record is saved.

  16. Click the menu button and then Save Record.
  17. In the lower list, make any desired changes to the component parameters that were created.
  18. Activate the Fixed flag by clicking in the Fixed field for any parameters that you do not want overridden for this defined component.
  19. In the Component Definitions list, select the component you just defined, click the menu button, and then Enable Component Definition.
  20. For the change to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server System Service.
  21. For information on how to stop and start the Siebel Server System Service, see Administering the Siebel Server System Service.

The values of fixed parameters can be changed during component reconfiguration. See Reconfiguring Server Components for further information. Fixed parameters cannot be changed after the component has been activated or enabled.

Figure 5 shows an example of creating a defined component named EIM Sample Component assigned to the Sample Component Group.

Figure 5.  Creating a Defined Component

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To delete a defined component

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Configuration screen.
  2. Click the Component Definitions view tab.
  3. In the Component Definitions list, select the component you want to delete.
  4. Click the menu button and then Delete Record.

To modify defined components

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Configuration screen.
  2. Click the Component Definitions view tab.
  3. In the Component Definitions list, select the component you want to modify.
  4. In the lower list, click the parameter you want to modify.
  5. Change the values in the appropriate fields.

Assigning and Unassigning Component Groups to Siebel Servers

Component groups are assigned to Siebel Servers within a Siebel Enterprise Server on which the components will run. Component groups must be assigned to Siebel Servers before tasks can be started for them. Both predefined and defined components groups are automatically assigned to each Siebel Server installed within an existing Siebel Enterprise Server; only make changes to the component group assignment if you want to unassign or reassign component groups.

Because the Siebel Server needs to allocate space in the shared memory segment for component groups, changes to the component group assignment state take effect only when the Siebel Server System Service is restarted.

Unassigning a component group removes the entries from the Siebel Gateway Name Server data. As a result, any customization (for example, parameter overrides at the component level) are lost. Generally, only unassign a component group if the component group is not planned for future deployment on a particular server. Alternatively, you can disable a component group temporarily. See Enabling and Disabling Assigned Component Groups at the Enterprise Level for further details.

NOTE:  To reduce unnecessary consumption of server resources on a given Siebel Server, it is suggested to unassign or disable component groups that are not intended to operate on that server. Also, any component groups that are not specifically intended for a Siebel Server should not be enabled initially on that server.

Use the Component Group Assignments view to assign or unassign component groups. To assign or unassign components using the command-line interface, see Component Definition Commands.

NOTE:  After assigning or unassigning a component, you must stop and restart the Siebel Server Service for changes to take effect.

To assign a component group to a Siebel Server

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Operations screen.
  2. Click the Component Group Assignment view tab.
  3. In the Enterprise Component Groups list, select the component group you want to assign.
  4. In the Component Group Assignment list, select the Siebel Server to which you want to assign the component group.
  5. Click Assign.
  6. The Assigned To field now has a check mark in it.

  7. For the change to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server System Service.
  8. For information on how to stop and start the Siebel Server System Service, see Administering the Siebel Server System Service.

Figure 6 shows an example of successfully assigning Sample Component Group to the Siebel Server SDC6000I013.

Figure 6.  Assigning a Component Group

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To unassign a component group from a Siebel Server

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Operations screen.
  2. Click the Component Group Assignment view tab.
  3. In the Enterprise Component Groups list, select the component group you want to unassign.
  4. In the Component Group Assignment list, select the Siebel Server from which you want to unassign the component group.
  5. Click Unassign.
  6. The Assigned To field no longer has a check mark in it.

  7. For the change to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server System Service.
  8. For information on how to stop and start the Siebel Server System Service, see Administering the Siebel Server System Service.

Enabling and Disabling Assigned Component Groups at the Enterprise Level

When a new component group is created, it is automatically assigned to all Siebel Servers. (When a component is enabled inside a component group, it is automatically assigned to all Siebel Servers configured to use its component group.) Newly created component groups are enabled by default. Component groups can be enabled or disabled at both the enterprise and the server level.

Assigned component groups can have one of two possible enable states:

Disabling a component group results in:

Disable component groups on a particular server if the component group is planned for deployment sometime in the future. To remove a component group from a Siebel Server, see Assigning and Unassigning Component Groups to Siebel Servers.

Use the Enterprise Component Groups view to enable or disable component groups at the enterprise level. Use the command-line interface to enable or disable component groups at both the server and enterprise level. See Component Group Definition Commands for further information.

NOTE:  To reduce unnecessary consumption of server resources on a given Siebel Server, it is suggested to unassign or disable component groups that are not intended to operate on that server. Also, any component groups that are not specifically intended for a Siebel Server should not be enabled initially on that server.

To enable assigned component groups at the enterprise level

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Configuration screen.
  2. Click the Enterprise Component Groups view tab.
  3. In the top Enterprise Component Groups list, select the component group you want to enable.
  4. Click the menu button and then Enable Component Group.
  5. The Enabled State field changes to Enabled.

  6. Synchronize batch-mode Siebel Server components.
  7. For information on synchronizing Siebel Server components, see Synchronizing Server Components.

  8. Stop and restart the Siebel Server System Service for the changes to take effect.
  9. For information on restarting the Siebel Server System Service, see Administering the Siebel Server System Service.

Figure 7 shows an example of enabling the Data Quality component group at the enterprise level.

Figure 7.  Enabling Assigned Component Groups at the Enterprise Level

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To disable assigned component groups at the enterprise level

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Configuration screen.
  2. Click the Enterprise Component Groups view tab.
  3. In the top Enterprise Component Groups list, select the component group you want to disable.
  4. Click the menu button and then Disable Component Group.
  5. The Enabled State field changes to Disabled.

  6. Synchronize batch-mode Siebel Server components.
  7. For information on synchronizing Siebel Server components, see Synchronizing Server Components.

  8. Stop and restart the Siebel Server System Service for changes to take effect.
  9. For information on restarting the Siebel Server System Service, see Administering the Siebel Server System Service.

Figure 8 shows an example of disabling the Data Quality component group at the enterprise level.

Figure 8.  Disabling Assigned Component Groups at the Enterprise Level

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Synchronizing Server Components

Server component definitions are stored in the Siebel Name Server. You need to synchronize batch-mode Siebel Server components between the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the database whenever you:

Use the Batch Component Admin view to synchronize batch components.

You need to synchronize Siebel Server components after installing the Siebel Server. For more information on post-installation tasks, see the Siebel Server Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

NOTE:  If synchronization does not take place, make sure the LOV (List of Value) type S_SRM_ACTION is set to active. See Applications Administration Guide for details on working with LOVs.

To synchronize Siebel Server components

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Configuration screen.
  2. Click the Batch Component Admin view tab.
  3. In the Batch Components list, click Synchronize.
  4. This operation may take up to a minute to execute. After the operation is finished, a list of the batch components will be displayed.

  5. Stop and restart the Siebel Server System Service for the changes to take effect.
  6. For information on restarting the Siebel Server System Service, see Administering the Siebel Server System Service.

Figure 9 shows an example of synchronizing Siebel Server components.

Figure 9.  Synchronizing Server Components

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Reconfiguring Server Components

Component reconfiguration allows you to maintain multiple component configurations simultaneously. Although there is no limit on how many component configurations you can reconfigure for a particular component, you should limit the number to two. Each component can be reconfigured, but this is primarily done for multithreaded Siebel Server components.

Component reconfiguration is particularly useful for scenarios such as site migration. In this scenario, component reconfiguration allows you to maintain the existing component configuration which will remain available until the migration is completed and a new component configuration becomes available.

After reconfiguration has started, you cannot make changes to the existing component definition until the reconfiguration is completed or canceled. After the reconfiguration is completed, you will need to commit the new configuration. This action will send a commit signal to every Siebel Server in the Siebel Enterprise Server signifying that a new component definition is available. Each multithreaded Siebel Server component will run existing tasks to completion and stop processing new tasks. New parameter values will be read from the Siebel Name Server and merged with existing component-level parameter overrides. New processes will be started using the new component configuration to handle new tasks.

NOTE:  Parameters set at the component level will override enterprise-level parameters set by component reconfiguration.

To reconfigure Siebel Server components

  1. Before reconfiguring Siebel Server components, make sure that any external resources that will be accessed by current tasks running on the existing component configuration remain available. Also make sure that any external resources that will be defined in the new component configuration are available.
  2. Examples of external resources include the SRF and configuration files that are defined in the component configuration.

  3. Navigate to the Enterprise Configuration screen.
  4. Click the Component Definitions view tab.
  5. In the upper Component Definitions list, select the component definition you want to reconfigure.
  6. Click the menu button and then click Start Reconfiguration.
  7. The Definition State field changes to Reconfiguring.

  8. In the lower Component Definitions list, change the Value field of parameters that you want to reconfigure for the component.
  9. You can also change the values of fixed parameters, but you cannot change whether parameters are fixed.

  10. After parameter values have been reconfigured, commit the new configuration by clicking the menu button and then clicking Commit Reconfiguration.
  11. The new parameter values will be merged at the enterprise level. To cancel the reconfiguration before it has been committed, click the menu button and then Cancel Reconfiguration.

Figure 10 shows an example of reconfiguring the Assignment Manager Siebel Server component.

Figure 10.  Reconfiguring Server Components

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 Siebel Server Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003