Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Implementing Load-Balancing with Central Dispatch > Troubleshooting Load-Balancing with Central Dispatch >

Known Issues with Load-Balancing Using Central Dispatch

Problem: You cannot connect to the Siebel Server and get a TCP Communication error in the web browser, and you get an error similar to the following error in your swenesxxx.log file:

2021 2003-07-01 22:19:35 0000-00-00 00:00:00 -0500 00000000 001 001f 0001 09 siebel 9962 1 /siebel/wbp03/eappweb/log/swenes996

GenericLog GenericError 1 2003-04-23 22:19:35 (smconn.cpp 5(335) err=1801201 sys=145) NET-01201: Internal: connect

() failed: Connection timed out

Solution: Check the value for the RESONATE_ROOT in your This should be set to the actual Resonate directory; for example, /Export/Home/Resonate/.

Problem: Unexpected timeouts occur. Login works fine, but session is reset with error message after at least 10 minutes of inactivity when used again. eApps log displays the error message Send message failed. Most users do not experience any problems. No errors appear in the Siebel Server log.

Solution: Verify the values of the HTTP_INACTIVE_CONN_TIMEOUT and SERVER_INACTIVE_CONN_TIMEOUT environment variables are set correctly on every machine in the Central Dispatch site.

Problem: Siebel Server startup or shutdown takes a long time. Intermittent error messages in the Siebel Server log file—Resonate command timed out.

Solution: Check to make sure that the Heartbeat Interval and # of Heartbeat until down parameters are set to 1 and 100 respectively. You can use the Dispatch Manager to set these parameters. If the issue persists, contact Siebel Technical Support.

Problem: The browser displays the error message Server busy or not available, the eApps log displays the message sisnapi handshake failed, and no connections are shown in the Dispatch Manager.

Solution: The VIP assigned to the Central Dispatch site may be in use by another machine.

To verify, stop the Central Dispatch site and try to ping the VIP. If the VIP can be pinged then the VIP is not unique. Assign a VIP that is unique to the Central Dispatch site.

Problem: The browser displays the error message Server busy or not available, the eApps log displays the message sisnapi handshake failed, short-lived connections are shown in the Dispatch Manager, and no errors are shown in the Siebel Server log.

Solution: Verify that the VIP is the same in all of the following three places: the Enterprise VIP registered with the Siebel Gateway Name Server, the VIP used in the eApps.cfg file, and the VIP for the Central Dispatch site. (Use Central Dispatch Manager to check the VIP configured for Central Dispatch. Check the enterprise parameter EnterpriseVIP.)

Problem: The browser displays the error message, Server busy or not available, the eApps log displays the message sisnapi handshake failed, and there are connections shown in the Dispatch Manager.

Problem: The browser displays the error message Server busy or not available, the eApps log displays the message sisnapi handshake failed, connection reset by peer, and short-lived connections are shown in the Dispatch Manager. This occurs because scheduling rules are not created for a load-balanced Siebel Server as expected, and Central Dispatch does not route any load to that server.

Solution: This occurs when the Siebel Server is not part of the Load Balanced Siebel environment. Verify that the UseSCB server-level parameter is set to true. If the parameter is set to false, the Siebel Server will not register scheduling rules with Central Dispatch and connections into that server will fail.

Problem: One server does not receive any sessions. This presentation of the problem occurs when there are multiple Siebel Servers in the Enterprise.

Solution: Set the server level parameter UseSCB is set to true. If the parameter is set to false, the Siebel Server will not register scheduling rules with Central Dispatch and connections into that server will fail.

Problem: The browser displays the error message Server busy or not available, the eApps log displays the message sisnapi handshake failed, connection reset by peer, short-lived connections are shown in the Dispatch Manager, and the Siebel Server log shows the error message invalid password.

Solution a: Check the setting for the Resonate Admin user in the Enterprise environment variables, and that the password is registered with the Siebel Server. If the password is not set correctly, the Siebel Server cannot register scheduling rules with the Central Dispatch site, and attempts to connect are refused.

Solution b: This problem can also occur when domain users are locked out by exceeding allowable attempts to login with an invalid password.

Problem: On Solaris, after Central Dispatch and Siebel Server installation, Central Dispatch site appears to be running, but Siebel Server startup fails with error message HOST NOT FOUND.

Solution: Check that the network configuration file (/etc/hosts) has the reference loghost correctly mapped to the IP address of the network gateway (network gateway, not Siebel Gateway Name Server).

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003