Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX


How This Guide Is Organized

How This Guide Refers to Your Installation Directories

Revision History

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Siebel Server Installation Overview

The Siebel Environment

High Availability Overview

Siebel Gateway Overview

Siebel Enterprise Server Overview

Siebel Server Overview

Siebel Server Components Overview

Siebel File System and File System Manager Overview

Before You Start Your Siebel Application Installation

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Preparing for the Installation

Server Installation Process

Deployment of Siebel 7 Gateway Versus Siebel 6 Gateway

Planning Your Siebel Deployment

Considerations Independent of Your Environment Profile

Considerations Based on Your Environment Profile

Deployment Team

Sizing Your Installation

Grouping Your Siebel Servers into Siebel Enterprise Servers

Planning the Topology of Your Siebel Deployment

Planning the Siebel Directory Structure

Setting Permissions and Ownership

Server Names

File Names

Creating a File System

Preparing the Hardware

Creating Siebel Accounts

Planning Port Assignments

Planning RDBMS Installation and Configuration

Creating a Staging Point

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Implementing Load-Balancing with Central Dispatch

Planning Your Central Dispatch Site

Central Dispatch Deployment Considerations

Verifying Accounts for Central Dispatch

Network Connectivity for Central Dispatch

Installation Tasks for Central Dispatch

Configuring the Central Dispatch Site

Configuration Tips for Central Dispatch Site

Environment Variables for Central Dispatch

Network Interface Cards

Using Dispatch Manager to Configure Your Site

Adding or Removing a Server in Central Dispatch Site

Reinstalling Central Dispatch

Changing Your Resonate Administrative Mode Account Password

Troubleshooting Load-Balancing with Central Dispatch

Generating Troubleshooting Information for Central Dispatch

Known Issues with Load-Balancing Using Central Dispatch

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Installing in Unattended or Console Modes

Unattended Installation

Editing the siebel.ini Files for Unattended Installation

Configuration siebel.ini File Parameter Values

Running the Installation From the Command Line

Console-Mode Installation

Editing the siebel.ini Files for Console-Mode Installation

Installing in Console Mode

Configuring in Console Mode

Combining Console-Mode and Unattended-Mode Installation

Additional Flags for Installation Commands

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Installing the Siebel Gateway

Verifying Siebel Gateway Prerequisites

Installing a Redundant Disk Array on the Siebel Gateway

Installing and Configuring the Siebel Gateway

Post-Installation Tasks for Siebel Gateway

Reviewing the Software Installation for Siebel Gateway

Starting the Siebel Gateway

Configuring the Siebel Gateway for Automatic Start

Troubleshooting Siebel Gateway Installation

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Installing the Siebel Server

Siebel Server Deployment Considerations

Clustering Prerequisites for the Siebel Server

Verifying the Language Locales on Your Server

Installing Your Database Instance

Configuring Database Connectivity

Verifying Network Connectivity

Verifying Central Dispatch Installation

Installing Hummingbird SearchServer

Installation Tasks for the Siebel Server

Pre-Installation Checklist for the Siebel Server

Installing and Configuring the Siebel Server

Installing Multiple Siebel Language Packs on the Siebel Server

Adding a New Product to an Existing Installation

Post-Installation Tasks for Siebel Server

Reviewing the Software Installation for Siebel Server

Creating Additional Servers Within an Existing Siebel Enterprise Server

Verifying the Siebel Server ODBC Data Source

Configuring the Siebel Server for Automatic Start

Managing Environment Variables

Setting the LATCH Environment Variable

UNIX Tuning for Siebel Applications

Establishing Network Connectivity for Mobile Users

Synchronizing Siebel Server Component Groups

Setting Database Client Locale for Siebel Server

About Language-Specific Siebel Object Managers

Disabling Language-Specific Siebel Object Managers

Troubleshooting Siebel Server Installation

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Clustering Your Siebel Deployment for Failover

About Clustered Servers

Components that Should be Clustered

Siebel Components Supported on Clustered Solutions

Siebel Third-Party Components with Clustering Limitations

Siebel High Availability Support Matrix

Clustering Strategies

Clustering Guidelines

Clustering Requirements

Installing Siebel eBusiness Applications with VERITAS

Installing Siebel eBusiness Applications with IBM HACMP

Testing and Troubleshooting Clustering

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Creating the DB2 Universal Database for Windows and UNIX

Verifying Installation of the DB2 UDB Client

Database Layout Guidelines

Using a Redundant Disk Array

Planning the Distribution of Your Database Objects

Logical Device Layout


DB2 Database Configuration Guidelines

Increasing the Number of ODBC Statement Handles

Increasing the Number of User Processes Under AIX

DB2 Database Manager Configuration Parameters

DB2set Parameters

DB2 Database Configuration Parameters

Creating the Database

Capacity Planning

Physical Device Layout

Activating Bufferpools

Creating Tablespaces

Creating and Setting the Language Characteristics of Your Database

Overriding Default Storage Parameters

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Installing the Siebel Database Server for DB2 UDB

About the Database Server

Pre-Installation Tasks for Database Server Installation for DB2

Database Server Software Installation for DB2

Installing the Database Server Software for DB2

Reviewing the Software Installation of Database Server for DB2

Setting Up Your Environment to Support Global Time Zone

Creating Tableowner and Administrator Accounts for Database Server
on DB2

Installing Stored Procedures and User-Defined Functions on DB2

Configuring the Database Server for DB2

Installing Database Server Components for DB2

Reviewing the Log Files for Database Server Installation for DB2

Importing the Siebel Repository on Database Server for DB2

Reviewing the Log Files for Repository Import on Database Server for DB2

Troubleshooting Siebel Repository Import for Database Server on DB2

Post-Installation Tasks for Database Server Installation on DB2

Verifying System Preferences for Database Server Installation on DB2

Installing Multilingual Seed Data on Database Server for DB2

Importing a New Language to Your Repository on Database Server on DB2

Populating the Siebel File System for Database Server on DB2

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Creating the Oracle Database

Oracle Database Layout Guidelines

Using a Redundant Disk Array With Oracle

Planning the Distribution of Your Database Objects

Logical Device Layout

Mirroring Important Oracle Files

Oracle Database Configuration Guidelines

Creating the Database

Capacity Planning

Creating Tablespaces

Creating Temporary Tablespaces

Creating the Language Characteristics of Your Database

Defining Rollback Segments


Overriding Default Storage Parameters

Ongoing Oracle Database Administration

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Installing the Siebel Database Server for Oracle

About the Siebel Database Server

Pre-Installation Tasks for Siebel DB Server for Oracle

Database Server Installation on Oracle

Installing the Siebel Database Server Software on Oracle

Reviewing the Software Installation of Siebel DB Server for Oracle

Setting Up Your Environment to Support Global Time Zone

Creating Tableowner and Administrator Accounts for DB Server on Oracle

Configuring the Siebel Database Server on Oracle

Installing Siebel Database Server Components on Oracle

Reviewing the Log Files for Siebel DB Server Installation on Oracle

Importing the Siebel Repository on Siebel DB Server for Oracle

Reviewing the Log Files for Repository Import on Oracle

Post-Installation Tasks for Siebel DB Server Installation on Oracle

Verifying System Preferences After Siebel DB Server Installation on Oracle

Installing Multilingual Seed Data on Your Siebel DB Server on Oracle

Importing a New Language to Your Repository on Oracle

Populating the Siebel File System for Siebel DB Server on Oracle

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Installing Siebel Web Server Extension

Planning Siebel Web Server Deployment

Verifying the Siebel Gateway and Enterprise Server

Verifying Web Server Requirements

Web Server Language Pack Requirements

Specifying the Domain Name

Installing the Web Server

Enabling HP-Apache2 Web Server to Find Siebel Libraries

Editing the httpd.conf File on IHS and HP-Apache2

Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension

Post-Installation Tasks for Siebel Web Server Extension

Reviewing Installation Directories for Siebel Web Server Extension

Adding a New Virtual Directory on Web Server

Reviewing the Log Files for SWSE Plug-in Installation

Enabling HTTP Compression for Siebel Web Applications

Editing the Web Server Extension Configuration File (eapps.cfg)

Granting User Permissions on the Web Server

Configuring Sun ONE (iPlanet) to Accept Siebel Web Server Extension

Daemon Processes You Must Restart

Configuring IHS and HP-Apache2 for Siebel Applications

Configuring HP-Apache2 for Optimal Performance

Troubleshooting Siebel Web Server Extension Installation

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Installing eAI Connector Software

Pre-Installation Considerations for eAI Connectors

Installing the Siebel eAI Connector Support Files

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Installing CORBA Object Manager

About Siebel CORBA Object Manager

Verifying Installation Prerequisites for Siebel CORBA Object Manager

Configuring Database Connectivity Software for CORBA Object Manager

Verifying Network Connectivity for Siebel CORBA Object Manager

Installing Object Request Broker Software

Installing the CORBA Object Manager

Post-Installation Tasks for Siebel CORBA Object Manager

Review the Software Installation for CORBA Object Manager

Final Configuration of the Siebel CORBA Object Manager

Configuring Multiple CORBA Object Managers for Better Performance

Using CORBA Naming Service with the Siebel CORBA Object Manager

Setting Up a Shell Environment for the Siebel CORBA Object Manager

Final Configuration of CORBA Using Orbix

Final Configuration of CORBA Using VisiBroker

Configuring Manual Activation for VisiBroker

Configuring Automatic Activation for VisiBroker

Registering Multiple Object Managers for Better Performance

Troubleshooting CORBA Object Manager Installation

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Installing the ChartWorks Server

Pre-Installation Requirements

Installation Tasks for ChartWorks Server

Post-Installation Task for ChartWorks Server

Configuring the ChartWorks Server

Specifying the ChartWorks Server After Installation

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Uninstalling Siebel eBusiness Applications

Uninstalling the Siebel Servers

Uninstalling the Siebel Gateway

Uninstalling the Other Servers

Uninstalling Siebel Language Packs

Migrating to a New Version of Siebel Application

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Deployment Planning Worksheets

Team Lead Summary Worksheet

Enterprise Server Names and Installation Directories Worksheet

Siebel Accounts, VIPs, and Static IPs Worksheet

Cluster Deployment Worksheet

Ports and RDBMS Details Worksheet

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Enabling Server Components

Enabling Server Component Groups

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Sample Database Creation Scripts

DB2 UDB Sample Script

Oracle Sample Script

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Structure of the eapps.cfg File

Editing the Web Server Extension Configuration File

Sample eapps.cfg File

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Tuning UNIX Operating Systems for Siebel Installation

Tuning the Siebel Server for UNIX Operating Systems

Enabling External User Authentication on UNIX

Tuning Siebel eBusiness Applications for AIX

Tuning the Web Server for AIX

Tuning the Siebel Web Server Extension for AIX

Tuning the Siebel Server for AIX

Tuning Kernel Settings for AIX

Tuning Central Dispatch for AIX

EnableOLEAutomation for AIX

Tuning Siebel eBusiness Applications for Solaris

Tuning the Web Server for Solaris

Tuning the Siebel Web Server Extension for Solaris

Tuning Kernel Settings for Solaris

Tuning Object Manager Instances for Solaris

Tuning Central Dispatch for Solaris

EnableOLEAutomation Setting on Solaris

Tuning Siebel eBusiness Applications for HP-UX

Tuning the Web Server for HP-UX

Tuning Kernel Settings for HP-UX

Setting Maximum Thread Limits for HP-UX

Tuning the HP-UX Scheduler

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 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003