Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing the Siebel Database Server for DB2 UDB > Configuring the Database Server for DB2 >

Installing Database Server Components for DB2

When you choose Install a new Siebel Database from the Siebel Database Server Options menu on the Siebel Database Server Configuration Wizard, the utility performs the following tasks:

To install Siebel database server components for DB2

  1. Navigate to $SIEBEL_HOME and source environment variables, using one of the following commands, depending on the type of shell you use:
  2. Korn or Bourne shell

    . ./

    TIP:  Make sure there is a space between the initial period and ./

    C shell

    source siebenv.csh


    $SIEBEL_HOME is the location of the Siebel Server root directory.

  3. Verify whether the values $SIEBEL_ROOT and LANGUAGE are correctly set or are empty by entering:
  4. env

    If the variables are incorrect or missing, reset them using one of the following commands, as appropriate to the shell you use:

    Korn or Bourne shell

    SIEBEL_ROOT=New Value ; export SIEBEL_ROOT

    LANGUAGE=New Value; export LANGUAGE

    C shell

    setenv SIEBEL_ROOT New Value

    setenv LANGUAGE New Value

  5. Navigate to $SIEBEL_ROOT /bin and run the following script:
  6. dbsrvr_config.ksh

    This launches the Siebel Database Server Configuration Wizard.

    The script begins by displaying the current settings for the SIEBEL_ROOT and LANGUAGE variables and prompts you as to whether these settings are correct.

  7. Confirm whether or not the settings are correct by entering either Y or N.
  8. NOTE:  If either the SIEBEL_ROOT or LANGUAGE value is not set or is incorrect, you must correct them before proceeding.

    The Configuration Wizard validates the existence of the $SIEBEL_ROOT directory.

  9. Specify the path of your Siebel Server root directory, or press ENTER to accept the current setting.
  10. The Configuration Wizard then prompts you for the path for the Siebel Database Server root directory.

  11. Specify the path of your Siebel Database Server root directory, or press ENTER to accept the current setting.
  12. The Configuration Wizard proceeds to display the list of supported database platforms:

    Select the RDBMS Platform:

    1- IBM DB2 UDB for UNIX and Windows
    2- Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

  13. Enter 1 to select IBM DB2 UDB for UNIX.
  14. The script displays the Siebel Database Operation menu, as follows:

    Select the Siebel Database Operation

    1- Install Database
    2- Upgrade Database
    3- Import/Export Repository
    4- Migrate Repository
    5- Run Database Utilities

  15. Enter 1 to select Install Database.
  16. The Siebel Database Server Configuration Wizard prompts you as to whether you ran grantusr.sql to set up your tableowner and administrator accounts.

  17. Enter Y to confirm or N to exit the Configuration Wizard to run this script.
  18. NOTE:  These accounts must be in place or you will not be able to complete installation of your seed data, tables, and indexes.

    If you elected to proceed, the script displays the Installation Options menu:

    Select one of the following options:

    1- Install Siebel Database
    2- Add a language to an existing Siebel Database

  19. Enter 1 to install the Siebel Database components for this database.
  20. Verify the type of code page for your database, then enter the number that corresponds to the database encoding value for your database:
  21. 1- Unicode
    2- Non-Unicode

    CAUTION:  Carefully choose the correct option for your database to prevent installation of the wrong datatypes. The database will not be able to create Unicode datatypes on a non-Unicode page setting, so verify this setting carefully before choosing the option.

    The program then displays the list of currently installed languages.

  22. Enter the number corresponding with the language in which you want to run your database.
  23. NOTE:  This is referred to as the primary(base) language for your database.

  24. Specify the ODBC data source name; for example, siebsrvr_siebel.
  25. Enter the user name for the Siebel administrator for your database; for example, SADMIN.
  26. Enter the password for the specified database administrator account.
  27. Enter the DB2 database tableowner name; for example, siebel.
  28. Enter the database tableowner password; for example, db2.
  29. The Database Server OS screen appears.

  30. Enter the number that corresponds to your Siebel Database Server operating system:
  31. 1- Windows

    2- Solaris

    3- AIX

    4- HP-UX

  32. Enter the name of your index tablespace.
  33. Enter the name of your 4 KB tablespace.
  34. Enter the name of the 16 KB tablespace.
  35. Enter the name of the 32 KB tablespace.
  36. After you have completed your database specifications, the Configuration Wizard displays the list of configured values and prompts you as to whether you want to launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard (srvrupgwiz).

  37. Enter Y to confirm your specifications and launch the Upgrade Wizard or N to reject the values and exit the Configuration Wizard.

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003