Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing the Siebel Server > Post-Installation Tasks for Siebel Server >

Configuring the Siebel Server for Automatic Start

If, during your UNIX installation, you elected automatic restart of the Siebel Server, you must follow the procedure below to enable it.

The procedure that you use will depend on whether or not you have a copy of siebel_server in your /etc/init.d (Solaris and HP-UX) or /etc/rc.d (AIX) directory. If, for example, your Siebel Gateway and this Siebel Server are on different machines, you probably will not have one and in this case you will use the second procedure.

Editing the siebel_server Script

The siebel_server script requires you to set the appropriate environment variables for database connectivity before it can start the Siebel system services.

Locate the siebel_server script under $SIEBEL_SERVER_ROOT/bin.

Review and, if necessary, edit the section of the script called "Setting Up Database Connectivity" to make sure that the appropriate commands are invoked.

If you have multiple $SIEBEL_ROOT directories on the server for which you want to enable automatic startup, you must edit the script by adding the new $SIEBEL_ROOT to the SIEBEL_SERVER_ROOT variable. (Use spaces to separate the directories.) For example, suppose that the first Siebel Server in the directory
/usr/local/siebel has the following variable value for $SIEBEL_SERVER_ROOT:

SIEBEL_SERVER_ROOT = "/usr/local/siebel"

If, after following the steps described above, you later decide that you want to install a new server in the directory /vol1/siebel and enable it for Autostart feature, you must modify the $SIEBEL_SERVER_ROOT variable as follows:

$SIEBEL_SERVER_ROOT= "/usr/local/siebel /vol1/siebel"

NOTE:  Remember that the host where the Siebel Gateway is installed must be the first to be started and the last to be shut down.

Configuring the Siebel Server for Automatic Start If You Have No Script

If you do not have a copy of the script siebel_server in the appropriate location, follow the procedure below.

To configure the Siebel Server to start automatically under Solaris and HP-UX

  1. Log on as root to the machine on which the Siebel Server was installed.
  2. Copy the file siebel_server to the /etc/init.d directory as shown below:
  3. cp $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin/siebel_server /etc/init.d

  4. Set the appropriate permissions by executing the command:
  5. chmod 744 /etc/init.d/siebel_server

  6. Create a hard link to
  7. /etc/rc3.d/S72siebel



    by executing the command:

    ln /etc/init.d/siebel_server /etc/rc3.d/S72siebel

    NOTE:  The command above assumes that you bring up your Siebel Server in init state 3.

  8. Create a hard link to
  9. /etc/rc0.d/K32siebel



    by executing the command:

    ln /etc/init.d/siebel_server /etc/rc0.d/K32siebel

To configure the Siebel Server to start automatically under AIX

  1. Log on as root to the machine on which the Siebel Server was installed.
  2. Navigate to $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin/
  3. where:

    $SIEBEL_ROOT = the installation directory for the Siebel Server.

  4. Using any text editor, open the file siebel_server. Edit the database environment variable as described below:
  5. Oracle

    1. Uncomment the line #ORACLE_HOME= and enter the location for $ORACLE_HOME.
    2. Uncomment the line #export ORACLE_HOME.
    3. Add the following two lines:


    NOTE:  You will need to ask your database administrator for the value of $tns_admin.

    export TNS_ADMIN


    . /home/eng-sm/db2v7aix/sqllib/db2profile

    NOTE:  You will need to ask your database administrator for the location of $db2profile.

  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Log in as root and execute the following command on a single line:
  8. mkitab "start_server:2:once:su - $USER -c \"$SIEBEL_ROOT/bin/siebel_server start\""


    $USER is the user name of the Siebel administrator.

    $SIEBEL_ROOT is the installation directory for the Siebel Gateway.

  9. Verify if the file /etc/rc.shutdown exists. If it does not exist, create it and change the permissions:
  10. touch /etc/rc.shutdown
    chmod 744 /etc/rc.shutdown

  11. Edit the file /etc/rc.shutdown add the following command to it:
  12. su - $USER -c "$SIEBEL_ROOT/bin/siebel_server stop"


    $USER is the user name of the Siebel administrator.

    $SIEBEL_ROOT is the installation directory for the Siebel Gateway.

  13. Save and close the file.

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003