Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing the Siebel Database Server for DB2 UDB > Database Server Software Installation for DB2 >

Installing the Database Server Software for DB2

Follow the steps below to complete installation on each computer you intend to use as a Siebel Database Server. You can have only one database per Siebel Enterprise Server.

To install the Siebel Database Server software

  1. Install the UNIX_OS Server Programs, Siebel Enterprise Server Base CD-ROM onto the network
  2. where:

    UNIX_OS = your UNIX operating system, such as Solaris, HP-UX, or AIX.

    NOTE:  The volume label for the CD is seaUNIX_OSsesbase or seaUNIX_OSsiabase, as appropriate to the Siebel applications you are installing; it may not be required, depending on how you access the CD-ROM.

    As a convenience, you may also want at this time to install the seaUNIX_OSseslanguage or seaUNIX_OSsialanguage CD ROM or CD-ROMs, as applicable, into the drive of the machine on which you want to install the Siebel Database Server.

  3. Verify the directories and permissions to those directories into which you will install the product. You must have write and execute permission.
  4. Navigate to the /ses directory on the CD-ROM and open a new shell.
  5. Unset any Siebel-specific environment variables. To view current environment variable settings, enter env in the shell window.
  6. To start the Siebel Database Server file installation, enter the following command, appending any flags you may also want to use, as described in Installing in Console Mode.
  7. ./setupUNIX_OS

    The Installer Welcome screen appears.

  8. Click Next.
  9. If you have installed other Siebel components on the same machine, the installer displays the message that an existing installation has been found.

  10. Depending on whether you are installing your Siebel Database Server files for the first time or adding a new language to an existing instance, take the appropriate action, then click Next:
  11. Enter the fully qualified path to the installation directory and click Next.
  12. The Installer Product Selection screen appears.

  13. Choose to install the Siebel Database Server and click next.
  14. The Installer Setup Type screen appears.

  15. Choose the type of installation you want to perform and click Next.
  16. If you selected Custom, you are prompted to select installable components. Select both IBM DB2 UDB for UNIX and Windows and the Siebel Sample Database.
  17. The Installer Language Selection screen appears.

  18. Choose the language or languages to be installed and click Next.
  19. All servers are installed with at least one (base) language. Additional languages can be installed at a later date, if desired. For more information, see Global Deployment Guide.

    When installing languages at a later date, you must also reinstall any patches that have been run on the directory.

    NOTE:  In a Unicode-enabled database environment, you can install any of the available Siebel language packs. In a non-Unicode database environment, you must consider the correlation of the language packs you want to install and the characters supported by your database code page. For example, in a Western European code page database, you can only install Western European language packs such as English, French, Spanish, or German language packs. And in a Japanese code page database, you can only install Japanese or English language packs.

    For a list of supported code pages and encoding strategies, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms.

  20. A confirmation screen appears displaying the installation parameters you have selected. Click Next.
  21. The installer begins to copy all of the files to the location you selected. After the files have been copied to the installation location, a warning screen appears with the following message:

    Setup did not find the Siebel Language Code language pack on the current media. Please insert the CD containing the Siebel Language Code and select setupUNIX_OS from the Siebel Language Code folder.

  22. Locate seaUNIX_OSseslanguage or siaUNIX_OSseslanguage, as appropriate, on the target machine (where language stands for the Language Pack you are installing) browse to setupUNIX_OS, and click OK.
  23. If prompted to insert a second language CD, remove the first CD-ROM and insert the second, then click OK.
  24. When installation of all the language files has been completed, the installer prompts you for the Base CD-ROM again:

    Please re-insert the base CD and browse to the setupUNIX_OS file to enable setup to continue.

  25. Navigate again to the base CD mount point on the network, locate ses/setupUNIX_OS, and click OK.
  26. Click Finish.

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003