Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing Siebel Web Server Extension > Post-Installation Tasks for Siebel Web Server Extension >

Adding a New Virtual Directory on Web Server

Virtual directories are created automatically when you install the SWSE.

However, you may in some cases want to create your own virtual directory, for example, to be able to test features such as Web site single sign-on, so that you can point to an already existing Siebel Object Manager.

To do this, you would add the new virtual directory to either obj.conf (Sun ONE [iPlanet]) or httpd.conf (IHS and HP-Apache2), as appropriate, and as described below.

Following this, you must add the name of the new virtual directory to the appropriate connect string in the eapps.cfg file under $SWEAPP_ROOT/bin.

To add a new virtual directory for Sun ONE (iPlanet)

To add a new virtual directory for IHS

To add a new virtual directory for HP-Apache2

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003