Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing Siebel Web Server Extension > Post-Installation Tasks for Siebel Web Server Extension >

Reviewing Installation Directories for Siebel Web Server Extension

Review the physical and virtual directories created during installation of the Siebel Web Server Extension on the Web server host to familiarize yourself with the locations of files, such as the configuration file (eapps.cfg).

Physical Directories on Web Server

The following list shows physical Siebel directories installed on the Web server:


bin. Contains the SWSE configuration file (eapps.cfg) that is largely responsible for SWSE functionality and that allows the SWSE to communicate with the Siebel Server.

locale. Contains resource files with information about any run-time errors.

log. Reports any communication errors between the SWSE and the Siebel Object Managers in the Siebel Servers.

public. Contains the default HTML file (default.htm) used to redirect the browser to the SWSE and subdirectories of the Siebel Server.

_uninst. Contains the uninstall program for Siebel eApps.

Virtual Directories on Web Server

Virtual directories are installed on the Web server for each installed Siebel eBusiness Web application. For example, there is an eservice directory for the eService product. The following section describes the virtual directory structure for each UNIX Web server.

IBM (IHS) and HP-UX (HP-Apache2) HTTP Web Servers

To verify your virtual directory, open the Web server configuration file httpd.conf. When using IHS, this file is located under $IHS_ROOT/conf. If you are using HP-Apache2, the default directory is /opt/hpapache2/conf.

The following example partially illustrates a virtual directory structure visible for Siebel eBusiness Applications on IHS or HP-UX.

Alias /ecustomer_enu /vol1/siebel/eappweb/public/enu
Alias /erm_enu /vol1/siebel/eappweb/public/enu
Alias /emarketing_enu /vol1/siebel/eappweb/public/enu
Alias /callcenter_enu /vol1/siebel/eappweb/public/enu
Alias /marketing_enu /vol1/siebel/eappweb/public/enu

Sun ONE (iPlanet) Web Server

To verify the virtual directory, open the Web server configuration file obj.conf, located under $iplanetserver/webserverinstance/config/.

The following example partially illustrates the virtual directory structure for Siebel eBusiness Applications on the Sun ONE (iPlanet) Web Server.

NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/partnerfinder_enu" dir="/export/home/siebel/public/enu"

NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/ecustomer_enu" dir="/export/home/siebel/public/enu"

NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/emarketing_enu" dir="/export/home/siebel/public/enu"

NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/etraining_enu" dir="/export/home/siebel/public/enu"

NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/echannel_enu" dir="/export/home/siebel/public/enu"

NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/esales_enu" dir="/export/home/siebel/public/enu"

NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/sales_enu" dir="/export/home/siebel/public/enu"...

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003