Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing in Unattended or Console Modes > Unattended Installation >

Editing the siebel.ini Files for Unattended Installation

Before starting installation, you must modify two versions of the siebel.ini file. The first siebel.ini is for the main installer which is located within the same directory as the setupUNIX_OS executable (where UNIX_OS is the UNIX platform you are using). The second siebel.ini is used for configuration and is located under the configuration subdirectory; for example, ses/gtwysrvrcfg/siebel.ini.

To modify the siebel.ini file for the main installer

  1. Using a text editor, modify the siebel.ini file for the appropriate product. The locations for each siebel.ini file are listed below.
  2. NOTE:  You should pull a fresh copy of each siebel.ini to modify and save it in a unique location to avoid overwriting the original file.

  3. Locate the [Dialog] section and set all keys, except the ones starting with uninst to no. This will disable all prompts.
  4. Locate the [Defaults.*] section and set the values appropriate to your installation:
    1. Set those products you want to install under [Defaults.ProductSelection].
    2. Set the languages you want to install under [Defaults.LanguageSelection]; for example, if you want to install French then add the following line to this section.
    3. FRA= yes

  5. Locate the [Defaults.Unix] section and set the RootDirectory to the product installation root directory.
  6. Locate the [RunAfter.Unix] section and update the relevant subsections as follows:
    1. [ConfigGtwysrvr]

    Condition  =  $(GatewaySelected)=yes
    Execute  = ./gtwysrvrcfg/$(Launcher)

    Arg = -is:javahome $(JavaHome) -args SS_SETUP_INI=gtwysrvrcfg_siebel.ini StringTable=$(UninstallPath)/table.txt


    gtwysrvrcfg_siebel.ini is the full path under which you want the installer to locate this configuration file.

    1. [ConfigSiebsrvr]

    Condition  =  $(SiebelSelected)= yes

    Execute  =  ./siebsrvrcfg/$(Launcher)

    Arg = -is:javahome $(JavaHome) -args SS_SETUP_INI=siebsrvrcfg_siebel.ini StringTable=$(UninstallPath)/table.txt


    siebsrvrcfg_siebel.ini is the full path under which you want the installer to locate this configuration file.

    CAUTION:  Do not modify the table.txt file.

    1. [ConfigUnixEappweb]

    Condition = yes

    Execute = ./config/$(Launcher)

    Arg = -is:javahome $(JavaHome) -args SS_SETUP_INI=eapp_config_siebel.ini StringTable=$(UninstallPath)/table.txt


    eapp_config_siebel.ini is the full path to the SWSE siebel.ini configuration file.

    1. [ConfigUnixCorbaOM]

    Condition = yes

    Execute = ./config/$(Launcher)

    Arg = -is:javahome $(JavaHome) -args SS_SETUP_INI=<Corba_OM_siebel.ini> StringTable=$(UninstallPath)/table.txt


    Corba_OM_siebel.ini is the full path to the CORBA OM siebel.ini configuration file.

    NOTE:  For more details on parameters in the configuration files, see Configuration siebel.ini File Parameter Values.

To modify the siebel.ini file for individual server configuration

  1. Using a text editor, modify the appropriate siebel.ini file or files as listed below:
  2. NOTE:  You should pull a fresh copy of each siebel.ini to modify and save it in a unique location to avoid overwriting the original file.

  3. Set all keys in the [Dialog.Config] section to no.
  4. Set all values in [Defaults.Config] to the appropriate values.
  5. The PrimaryLanguage should be set to the three-letter language code for the desired language. For example, you should add PrimaryLanguage=ENU line for American English. Language codes are listed at the end of the siebel.ini file.

    NOTE:  Refer to Configuration siebel.ini File Parameter Values for configuration values.

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003