Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing in Unattended or Console Modes >

Combining Console-Mode and Unattended-Mode Installation

You may want to combine configuration in console mode and unattended mode. To do this, you must provide default values in /gtwysrvrcfg/siebel.ini and /siebsrvrcfg/siebel.ini. For more details, see Configuration siebel.ini File Parameter Values.

To launch the configuration you need to modify the [ConfigGtwysrvr]and [ConfigSiebsrvr] sections of the main siebel.ini for the ses installer as follows:


Condition = $(GatewaySelected)=yes

Execute   = ./gtwysrvrcfg/$Launcher

Arg       = -is:javahome $(JavaHome) -is:javaconsole -console -args SS_SETUP_INI=your_gtwysrvrcfg_siebel.ini StringTable=$(UninstallPath)/table.txt


Condition = $(SiebelSelected)=yes

Execute = ./siebsrvrcfg/$Launcher

Arg = -is:javahome $(JavaHome) -is:javaconsole -console -args SS_SETUP_INI=your_siebsrvrcfg_siebel.ini StringTable=$(UninstallPath)/table.txt

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003