Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing Siebel Web Server Extension > Post-Installation Tasks for Siebel Web Server Extension >

Configuring IHS and HP-Apache2 for Siebel Applications

The httpd.conf file is the main Web server configuration file. It contains the configuration directives that give the server its instructions. When using IHS, this file is located under $IHS_ROOT/conf. If you are using HP-Apache2, the default directory is /opt/hpapache2/conf.

You should use the following guidelines for setting parameters in the httpd.conf file when using IHS or HP-Apache2 with Siebel applications.

Customer and partner applications that use the standard interactivity client open, at most, two connections per browser. Applications that use the high interactivity client may open between two and ten connections, depending on whether the application uses Server XML and depending on the browser cache state.

NOTE:  For some highly active applications, you may need to set N to a larger value. You should also verify that the kernel parameter MAX_THREAD_PROC is always greater than ThreadLimit.

On IHS only, to increase or decrease the maximum number of concurrent requests, replace all occurrences of the value 1024 within the section with your new value. Other values must be identical to the ones given in the example.

Detailed information about the directives in httpd.conf is available on

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX 
 Published: 24 June 2003