Siebel Developer's Reference > Siebel Templates for Employee Applications >

Form Layouts

If you are accustomed to designing forms on a tightly defined grid, you may not be aware of the limits that Web form development imposes. The four-column form layout tries to assist you in overcoming some of these limitations.

The four-column form template defines a set of layout regions. A region can hold one or more label/field pairs. Controls are dimensioned in Tools and then placed on regions of the form. The four-column form contains regions of different horizontal proportion; it is possible to accommodate controls that span one, two, and four columns.

Regions are also grouped. Grouping helps guarantee that regions consume only the minimum vertical space required to render them. When controls are not mapped to a region, the region collapses, and the next mapped region moves up the form to take its place.

By combining horizontally proportioned regions with grouped regions, you can achieve a wide variety of form designs while maintaining only one form template.

Figure 14 displays the master template for layout regions.

Figure 14.  Master Template
Click for full size image

Figure 15 and Figure 16 are two examples of layouts that can be derived from the master. The Xs indicate regions that do not contain mapped controls.

Figure 15.  Layout Derived from the Master Template
Click for full size image
Figure 16.  Layout Derived from the Master Template
Click for full size image

 Siebel Developer's Reference 
 Published: 23 October 2003