Siebel Developer's Reference > Online Help Development > Help Implementation Overview >

About Editing HTML Files

Siebel applications help files reside in a folder called "help." When you have determined which HTML files you need to change, it is recommended that you copy those files to your local machine to make changes.

Testing and Distributing Changes

After you make your changes, you should verify your changes before distribution.

To test your changes

  1. Use a standard HTML authoring tool to verify links.

    NOTE:  You should verify the links in the changed HTML file, and also make sure no links were broken in the existing HTML files.

  2. In a Web browser, open the HTML file you changed and review the content.

When you have completed testing, you must distribute the updated files to the appropriate Siebel Servers, Siebel Mobile Web Clients, or Siebel Dedicated Web Clients.

 Siebel Developer's Reference 
 Published: 23 October 2003