Upgrading and Migrating Siebel Janna Applications > Interoperability > Integrating Data >

Configuring a Siebel Janna VBC

To display Siebel Janna specific data within your Siebel application, you must configure a Siebel Janna VBC. A Siebel Janna VBC is a custom virtual business component that is configured from within Siebel Tools. Siebel Janna VBCs are based on Siebel Janna Data Objects. For every type of Siebel Janna Data Object that will flow into your Siebel application, a separate Siebel Janna VBC should be configured. The Siebel Janna VBC is based on the CSSJBCVExtern class.

Perform the following tasks to create and configure a Siebel Janna VBC:

The following procedures demonstrate how to gather information required for the VBC, as well as how to create and configure the VBC in Siebel Tools.

To gather information required for the Siebel Janna VBC

  1. Determine the ProgID of the Siebel Janna Data Objects.
  2. JDBOBJ.<database table or view name>.40

    For example, the ProgID of the Siebel Janna Data Object that represents a record in the ConPhone table in a Siebel Janna database will be:


    <Project Name>.<database table or view name>.1

    For example, if you created a Siebel Janna Data Object based on an extension table called Transactions_Data, and the project name specified in the wizard was TransactionsDO, the ProgID would be:


    NOTE:  If the Siebel Janna Data Object in question was not created using conventional Siebel Janna SDK wizards, then consult technical documentation to determine its ProgID.

  3. Determine the ProgID of the Siebel Janna Service Object.
  4. JCESO.<database table or view name>

    For example, the ProgID of the Siebel Janna Service Object that represents a record set in the ConPhone table in a Siebel Janna database will be:


    <Project Name>.<database table or view name>.1

    For example if you created a Siebel Janna Service Object based on an extension table called Transactions_Data, and the project name specified in the wizard was TransactionsSO, the ProgID would be:


    NOTE:  If the Siebel Janna Service Object in question was not created using conventional Siebel Janna SDK wizards, then consult technical documentation to determine its ProgID.

  5. Determine the Siebel Janna Data Object Field Names. They will have properties that represent each column of the underlying SQL Table or View that the Siebel Janna Data Object is responsible for maintaining. However, the SQL Table or View Definition is not reliable as an indicator of the fields available from a Siebel Janna Data Object. Instead, the relevant Technical Documentation for the Siebel Janna Data Object, the OLEView type library display, or the Implementation Source Code should be consulted for the fields exposed by the Siebel Janna Data Object.
  6. Determine the Siebel Janna Data Object Key Field Names by doing one of the following:
  7. NOTE:  Some of the properties of the Siebel Janna Data Object will be Key Fields. These act as foreign keys to other tables or as a primary key for the table the Siebel Janna Data Object maintains.

  8. Determine the Siebel Janna Data Object XML tag name. The XML tag name for a Siebel Janna Data Object generated by the Siebel Janna Tools will be identical to the name of the corresponding database object. If the Siebel Janna Data Object was based on an extension table called Transactions_Data, for example, the XML tag name would be Transactions_Data. Should the XML tag name not conform to this convention, you will need to consult technical documentation.
  9. Determine the Siebel Janna Requestor ProgID. The Siebel Janna Requestor ProgID can be one of four values depending on the transport being used to activate Siebel Janna Service Objects on the SJAS.
  10. Set a page threshold (optional). You can restrict the number of rows the VBC retrieves at each invocation using the Page Threshold value. In this way, VBCs that issue queries which return many records will only retrieve the first X (where X is the Page Threshold) records until the next page of records is requested by the application. This can improve VBC performance.

To create the Siebel Janna VBC in Siebel Tools

  1. Locate the Siebel Janna Interoperability VBC Template Business Component in the Business Components Object Types in Siebel Tools.
  2. Right-click the record on its row indicator and click Copy.
  3. Enter a name for the new VBC.
  4. Select the correct Project for your VBC.

To create the Siebel Janna VBC Fields in Siebel Tools

  1. With the new Business Component Row Selected, browse to the Field Child Object Type in Siebel Tools.
  2. Create a new Field Object Type Row for each Field in the Business Component.
  3. Name the field according to naming conventions in Siebel Tools Reference, and use the default Field Object Type attributes.

To configure the Siebel Janna VBC's Field Mapping User Properties

  1. The VBC's Field Mapping User Properties specify the mapping between a Siebel Janna Data Object and a Siebel Business Component. The format for these User Properties is as follows:
  2. <Siebel Janna Data Object Field1>=<Siebel Business Component Field1>;<Siebel Janna Data Object Field2>=<Siebel Business Component Field2>...<Siebel Janna Data Object Fieldn>=<Siebel Business Component Fieldn>

  3. In cases where the Siebel Janna Data Object Field (JDOField) does not have a corresponding Siebel Business Component Field (BCField), then there should be no right side of the <JDOField>=<BCField> expression, reducing it to <JDOField>=
  4. In cases where the Siebel Business Component Field (BCField) does not have a corresponding Siebel Janna Data Object Field (JDOField) then there should be no left side of the <JDOField>=<BCField> expression reducing it to =<BCField>
  5. Where the Field Mapping property spans more than the allowable room on a Business Component User Property, it can be extended to an additional User Property called Field Mapping n where n is the total number of Field Mapping user properties used so far. See Step 1.

To configure the Service Parameters User Property

The Service Parameters User Property specifies information used by the Siebel Janna Gateway Service to communicate with the Siebel Janna Application Server. It consists of the following information gathered from prior steps:

To compile the Siebel Janna business component

 Upgrading and Migrating Siebel Janna Applications
 Published: 18 April 2003