Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows > Preupgrade Tasks > Verifying Database Server Configuration >

Oracle Database Server Configuration

Before upgrading an Oracle database, complete the following procedures:


Allow for growth of the database during the upgrade. Make sure that tablespaces have enough free space to accommodate expected growth as estimated in Table 7 for DB2 UDB, Table 8 for Oracle, and Table 9 for MS SQL Server.

pctincrease. For upgrades, you should have a high value pctincrease for the tablespaces that contain application tablespaces and indexes.

pctfree. Before you start the upgrade, rebuild some of your larger tables with a large value of pctfree for the larger tables (30 or higher). Examples of large tables are:

NOTE:  You must increase pctfree before the upgrade because many new columns are added to these tables in Release 7.x. Migrating data into the new columns during the upgrade is likely to cause row chaining, which causes performance degradation.

Database Parameters

See the current version of Oracle Administration Guide to determine recommended database parameters for your implementation.

If the database server is a multiple-CPU machine, you can take advantage of parallel index creation. However, if you are executing a Siebel Database Upgrade on an Oracle database server with only one CPU, you must change the Oracle Parallel Index setting in the master upgrade configuration (ucf) file from Y to N. This step must be performed after Siebel Database Configuration and before execution of the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. If this action is not taken, then certain statements that are executed during the upgrade will fail.

The master configuration file is located in the SIEBSRVR\bin directory. The file that you must modify depends on the Siebel version that you are upgrading from, and whether you are upgrading the Siebel database schema or your custom database schema. For example, for upgrades of the Siebel database schema in a development environment from Release 6.0.1 to Release 7.x, you must edit the master configuration file called master_upgrep_dev_601.ucf.

The DBA should set appropriate values according to the Oracle documentation for the following init.ora parameters, depending on the number of CPUs on the database server:

The other init.ora parameters that the DBA should choose are:

For more information, see your Oracle documentation.

Rollback Segments

Verify that you have only one large rollback segment on line that is appropriately sized so that the largest of transactions can be accommodated. Take all other rollback segments off line.

The upgrade may affect some of the largest tables in your implementation of Release 7.x, causing them to grow by as much as 40%.

The shared pool size should be sufficiently large.

 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows
 Published: 20 October 2003