Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows > Preupgrade Tasks > Preparing a Database for Upgrade >

Identifying and Resolving Duplicates

NOTE:  Do not perform this procedure for upgrades from Release 7.x to Release 7.5 (for example, from Release 7.0.3 or 7.0.4 to Release 7.5), because you completed this during your upgrade to Release 7.x.

After you install the Siebel database server software, but before you upgrade to Release 7.5, you must resolve any duplicates in your Siebel database. To identify duplicates, run the script, Find_DUP_S_PARTY_ROW_IDs.sql, located in the DBSRVR_ROOT\DATABASE_PLATFORM directory.

This SQL script generates a list of duplicates (if any) that you must resolve prior to beginning the upgrade to Siebel 7.5.

 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows
 Published: 20 October 2003