Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide > Installing and Running Siebel Universal Queuing > Running the Siebel Universal Queuing Routing Engine >

Verifying and Running Routing Engine Processes on UNIX

This section describes how to verify that the Siebel Universal Queuing routing engine processes are running properly on supported UNIX platforms. Instructions for starting these processes are also included.

The following are the processes to verify:

To check if all routing engine processes are running

  1. Type the following command:
  2. ps -ef | grep uq

  3. Verify that the processes listed earlier are running.
  4. If any processes are not running or responding, restart the services, as described in Starting and Stopping Routing Engine Processes on UNIX.

Starting and Stopping Routing Engine Processes on UNIX

This section describes how to start and stop the routing engine processes on supported UNIX platforms.

To start the routing engine processes

  1. From the install_dir/scomm/uq/bin directory, type the following command:
  2. start_cti start

    where install_dir is the location where you installed the Siebel Universal Queuing routing engine.

  3. Verify that the processes are running, as described earlier.

All routing engine components should be up and running.

To stop the routing engine processes

  1. From the install_dir/scomm/uq/bin directory, type the following command:
  2. start_cti stop

    where install_dir is the location where you installed the Siebel Universal Queuing routing engine.

  3. Verify that the processes are no longer running, as described earlier.

 Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide
 Published: 18 April 2003