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Seek Statement

Seek sets the position within an open file for the next read or write operation.


Seek [#]filenumber, position

The number assigned in the Open statement to the file to be queried
An expression of type long representing the starting position of the next record number for a random read or write operation, or the byte offset from the beginning of the file


Not applicable


If you write to a file after seeking beyond the end of the file, the file's length is extended. Basic returns an error message if a Seek operation is attempted that specifies a negative or zero position.

For files opened in Random mode, position is a record number; for other modes, position is a byte offset. Position is in the range 1 to 2,147,483,647. The first byte or record in the file is at position 1, the second is at position 2, and so on.


This example reads the contents of a sequential file line by line (to a carriage return) and displays the results. The second subprogram, CreateFile, creates the file C:\temp001 used by the main subprogram.

(general) (declarations)
Option Explicit
Declare Sub CreateFile

Sub CreateFile
   Rem Put the numbers 10-100 into a file
   Dim x as Integer
   Open "c:\temp001" for Output as #1
   For x = 10 to 100 step 10
      Write #1, x
   Next x
   Close #1
End Sub

Sub Button_Click
   Dim testscore as String
   Dim x
   Dim y
   Dim newline
   Call CreateFile
   Open "c:\temp001" for Input as #1
   x = 1
   newline = Chr(10)
   msgtext = "The test scores are: " & newline
   Do Until x = Lof(1)
      Line Input #1, testscore
      x = x + 1
      y = Seek(1)
      If y>Lof(1) then
         x = Lof(1)
         Seek 1,y
      End If
      msgtext = msgtext & newline & testscore
   Close #1
      Kill "c:\temp001"
End Sub

See Also

Get Statement
Open Statement
Put Statement
Seek Function

 Siebel VB Language Reference
 Published: 18 June 2003