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TimeValue Function

This standard VB function returns a time value for a specified string.



A string representing a valid date-time value


A date/time value for the time represented by time.


The TimeValue function returns a variant of vartype 7 (date/time) that represents a time between 0:00:00 and 23:59:59, or 12:00:00 A.M. and 11:59:59 P.M., inclusive.


This example writes a variable to a disk file based on a comparison of its last saved time and the current time. Note that the variables used for the TimeValue function are dimensioned as double, so that calculations based on their values work properly.

Sub Button_Click
   Dim tempfile As String
   Dim ftime As Variant
   Dim filetime as Double
   Dim curtime as Double
   Dim minutes as Double
   Dim acctno(100) as Integer
   Dim x, I
   tempfile = "C:\TEMP001"
   Open tempfile For Output As 1
   ftime = FileDateTime(tempfile)
   filetime = TimeValue(ftime)
   minutes = TimeValue("00:02:00")
   x = 1
   I = 1
   acctno(x) = 0
      curtime = TimeValue(Time)
      acctno(x) = 46
      If acctno(x) = 99 then
         For I = I to x-1
            Write #1, acctno(I)
         Next I
         Exit Do
      ElseIf filetime + minutes< = curtime then
         For I = I to x
            Write #1, acctno(I)
         Next I
      End If
      x = x + 1
   Close #1
   x = 1
   msgtext = "You entered:" & Chr(10)
   Open tempfile for Input as #1
   Do While Eof(1) <> -1
      Input #1, acctno(x)
      msgtext = msgtext & Chr(10) & acctno(x)
      x = x + 1
   Close #1
      Kill "C:\TEMP001"
End Sub

See Also

DateSerial Function
DateValue Function
Hour Function
Minute Function
Now Function
Second Function
TimeSerial Function

 Siebel VB Language Reference
 Published: 18 June 2003