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UBound Function

This standard VB function returns the upper bound of the subscript range for the specified array.


UBound(arrayName[, dimension ])

The variable name of the array to be tested
The array dimension whose upper bound is to be returned


The upper bound of the subscript range for the specified dimension of the specified array.


The dimensions of an array are numbered starting with 1. If dimension is not specified, 1 is used as a default.

LBound can be used with UBound to determine the length of an array.


This example resizes an array if the user enters more data than can fit in the array. It uses LBound and UBound to determine the existing size of the array and ReDim to resize it. Option Base sets the default lower bound of the array to 1.

Option Base 1

Sub Button_Click
   Dim arrayvar() as Integer
   Dim count as Integer
   Dim answer as String
   Dim x, y as Integer
   Dim total
   total = 0
   x = 1
   count = 2
   ReDim arrayvar(count)
   Do until x = count + 1
      arrayvar(x) = 88
      x = x + 1
      x = LBound(arrayvar,1)
   count = UBound(arrayvar,1)
   For y = x to count
         total = total + arrayvar(y)
      Next y
End Sub

See Also

Dim Statement
Global Statement
LBound Function
Option Base Statement
ReDim Statement
Static Statement

 Siebel VB Language Reference
 Published: 18 June 2003