Siebel Web Client Administration Guide > About Siebel Clients >

Siebel Web Client

Siebel Web Client is a true thin client—no application logic is stored on the client computer. Siebel Web Client provides these benefits to the deployment of your Siebel applications:

Siebel Web Client and Application Object Manager

With the Siebel Web Client, the Application Object Manager on the Siebel Server hosts the Business Objects layer and Data Objects layer of the Siebel architecture. The Siebel Web Client hosts the User Interface layer of the Siebel architecture.

By hosting Siebel Business Objects and business logic processing on the server, the Application Object Manager supports:

The Application Object Manager, running on Siebel Server, communicates with the Siebel Web Client through the Web server, using the TCP/IP protocol. Communication between the client and the Application Object Manager can be compressed and encrypted. An independent session is established to serve incoming connection requests from each client. Subsequent requests from clients are directed to the same Application Object Manager tasks until the sessions are terminated.

Siebel applications use session cookies to track the session state. For details, see Using Cookies with Siebel Applications.

The Siebel repository file (SRF) is installed as part of each Siebel Server installation, in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\objects\LANGUAGE directory. Any changes to the repository file must be applied to all Siebel Server installations that are to serve the modified application to the Siebel Web Client. When reconnecting to the Application Object Manager, Web Client users automatically retrieve the new Siebel application configuration.

NOTE:  You can deploy a copy of the same SRF file on Microsoft Windows or UNIX systems.

 Siebel Web Client Administration Guide
 Published: 18 June 2003