Siebel Web Client Administration Guide


How This Guide Is Organized

Additional Resources

Revision History

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About Siebel Clients

Siebel Client Types

Siebel Web Client

Siebel Mobile and Dedicated Web Clients

Siebel Mobile Web Client and Siebel Remote

Configuring the Siebel Application

Application Names and Siebel Clients

User Preferences and Siebel Clients

Locale Settings for Siebel Clients

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Installing Mobile and Dedicated Web Clients

Before Installing

Installing the Siebel Mobile and Dedicated Web Client

Installing the Sample Database

After Installing

Logging into Your Siebel Application

Siebel Mobile and Dedicated Web Client Startup Options

Uninstalling the Mobile and Dedicated Web Clients

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Deploying Siebel Web Clients

About Deployment Modes for Siebel Web Clients

Standard Interactivity

High Interactivity

Overview of Deployment Requirements

Standard Interactivity Deployment Requirements

High Interactivity Deployment—General Requirements

High Interactivity Deployment—ActiveX Requirements

Modifying User Groups or Permissions

Predeploying ActiveX Controls for Secure Environments

ActiveX Controls Distributed for High Interactivity

Uninstalling ActiveX Controls

High Interactivity Deployment—Java Requirements

Specifying the Java Software Environment

Java Applets Distributed for High Interactivity

Manual Security Settings for High Interactivity

Manual Settings for ActiveX Controls and Plugins

Manual Settings for Scripting

Manual Settings for Downloads

Manual Settings for Microsoft Java Virtual Machine

Manual Settings for IFRAME Support

Other Deployment Options for High Interactivity

Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Deploying Siebel Applications Accessed Through a Firewall

Disabling Script Debugging

Using Cookies with Siebel Applications

Session Cookie

Auto-Login Credential Cookie

Enabling Cookies for Siebel Applications

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Configuring and Using Mobile Web Client

Troubleshooting Mobile Web Client and Siebel Remote

User Synchronization Options for Mobile Web Client

Siebel Mobile Web Client and Siebel QuickStart

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Using Siebel Packager Utility

Preparing to Use the Siebel Packager Utility

Siebel Modules for Packaging

Running the Siebel Packager Utility

Making Your Customized Installer Available to End Users

Customizing Siebel.ini Files

Key Parameters in Siebel.ini File

Major Sections of the Siebel.ini File

Siebel.ini File Hierarchy and Organization

Testing an Installer After Customizing the Siebel.ini File

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Configuration Parameters

Editing Configuration Files

Configuration Parameters Index

Siebel Application Parameters for Client

Data Source Parameters

Sample Selection from Configuration File

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 Siebel Web Client Administration Guide
 Published: 18 June 2003