Siebel Web Client Administration Guide > Using Siebel Packager Utility > Customizing Siebel.ini Files >

Major Sections of the Siebel.ini File

The major sections of the siebel.ini file are as follows:

[Startup]—This section defines values needed for setup initialization. Examples include version number, patch install, application name, and so forth.

[AppCollision]—This section defines the file which defines a product. This file is then used to validate that no installations try to overwrite one another.

[StartupFiles]—This section defines third-party startup (.ini) files that may need to be updated or expanded during installation.

[DeleteFiles]—Defines any files that need to be deleted prior to file delivery.

[Module]—Defines component descriptions for use in the user interface.

[Module.Configuration]—This section defines what components or features to assign to a given setup type.

[Module.Destination]—This section defines where a component or feature should be installed on the end user's system.

[Regsvr32]—This section defines the files to register on Windows when using the regsvr32 utility.

[Prerequisites]—This section defines prerequisites for installation to proceed.

[Dialog]—This section defines what dialog boxes should be enabled or disabled in the installer at run time.

[Defaults]—This section defines default values to be used in the user interface of the installer, or the prompt to use if a dialog box is turned off.

[Behavior]—This section defines general installer behavior, such as whether to abort or continue on a failed condition.

[RunAfter]—This section defines the programs or functions to run or call after the installation is complete.

[CustomUninstall]—This section defines programs or what functions should be run or called during uninstallation.

[Icons]—This section defines what shortcuts (icons) to create on the end user's system.

 Siebel Web Client Administration Guide
 Published: 18 June 2003