Siebel Web Client Administration Guide > Configuration Parameters >

Sample Selection from Configuration File

The following is a selection of content from the configuration file uagent.cfg, for Siebel Call Center. On the left are parameter names, and on the right are sample values. Values are initially populated when you install. If you need to change any values, edit them according to how you want your system to function. Note that lines that start with semi-colons are not in effect or are comments only.

;; At the top of each section, we have listed if the parameters are

;; being read from the cfg file for Server based Object Manager

;; components

;; If the section below says "Client-only" section, then the parameter

;; values listed here will not be read from this cfg file but from

;; parameters as defined during the configuration for the Siebel Enterprise

;; In effect the parameter values will be read from the gatewaysrvr/shared

;; memory. If you need to change the values for any of these parameters

;; please use the Server Admin screens or servermanager line mode to

;; change the values. At the top of each section, it also lists where

;; the parameter values are defined, i.e. are thay component parameters

;; or named subsystem parameters.(This is visible to the complete enterprise.)


;; For Developers, If you need to change values during configuration

;; for Object Manager components, please change the srvrdefs.tdt file


;; For Users, If you need to change the values after configuration

;; for Object Manager components, go to the relevant Server Admin screen

;; and update parameters.




;; The following Siebel Section is a client-only section.

;; It is a part of object manager parameters for the server components


RepositoryFile = siebel.srf

ApplicationName = Siebel Universal Agent

ApplicationTitle = Siebel Call Center

ApplicationSplashText = Siebel Call Center

Vertical =

ComponentName = Siebel Call Center Client

ShowMessageBar = User Enabled

MessageBarUpdateInterval = 120

DataSource = Local

ClientRootDir = d:\sea752\client

TempDir = d:\sea752\client\temp

Version = 100

ClientFileServSupport = TRUE

MultiCurrency = TRUE

EnableScripting = TRUE

EnableOLEAutomation = TRUE

OLEAutomationDLL = sscfole.dll


CORBADLL = sscfcorb.dll

JseCorbaConnector = corbavgn.dll

ReportsODBCDataSource = Siebel Reports: Access

ServerDbODBCDataSource =

DockRepositoryName = Siebel Repository

LocalDbODBCDataSource = SEAW Local Db d:/sea752/client

DefaultChartFont = Verdana-10-normal

Language = ENU

SrvrUpdateInterval = 60

SrvrTimeOutInterval = 600

EnablePersonalization = TRUE

PersonalizationLog =

DocumentIntegrator = Microsoft Office

WebClientSiteDir = d:\sea752\client\public\enu

AccessDir = $(AccessRoot)

SearchEngine = Fulcrum

SearchDefName = Call Center Definition

SearchInstallDir =

RemoteSearchServer = True

RemoteSearchServerPath = CHANGE_ME/tcpCHANGE_ME



; SecurityAdapter = LDAP

; UsernameBCField =

;; This is a client-only section ( for example siebel.exe)

;; All the data sources shown below are defined as

;; named subsystems in the Siebel Enterprise. To change the values

;; for these datasources, use the following command

;; In the line mode srvrmgr

;; > change param paramname="<value>" for named subsystem <named subsys name>

;; In the case below it will be Local/Sample/ServerDataSrc/GatewayDataSrc


Local = Local

Sample = Sample

ServerDataSrc = Server

GatewayDataSrc = Gateway


Docked = FALSE

ConnectString = d:\sea752\client\local\sse_data.dbf -q -m -x NONE -gp 4096 -c40m -ch60m

TableOwner = SIEBEL


SqlStyle = Watcom

MaxCachedCursors = 16

MaxCachedDataSets = 16

ReverseFillThreshold = 100

CaseInsensitive = FALSE

InsensitivityFactor = 2

DockTxnsPerCommit = 500

DockConnString = FALSE

ChartServer = localhost:8001

ChartImageFormat = png

AutoStopDB = FALSE

EnterpriseServer = CHANGE_ME

RequestServerName = CHANGE_ME

UseCachedExternalContent = TRUE


Docked = FALSE

ConnectString = d:\sea752\client\sample\UTF8\sse_samp.dbf -q -m -x NONE -gp 4096 -c40m -ch60m

TableOwner = SIEBEL


SqlStyle = Watcom

MaxCachedCursors = 16

MaxCachedDataSets = 16

ReverseFillThreshold = 100

CaseInsensitive = TRUE

InsensitivityFactor = 2

FileSystem = d:\sea752\client\sample\files

ChartServer = localhost:8001

ChartImageFormat = png

SymbolicURLSuffix = _Demo

AutoStopDB = FALSE


Docked = TRUE

ConnectString = $(ConnectString)

TableOwner = $(TableOwner)

DLL = sscddcli.dll

SqlStyle = DB2

MaxCachedCursors = 16

MaxCachedDataSets = 16

ReverseFillThreshold = 100

CaseInsensitive = FALSE

InsensitivityFactor = 2

FileSystem = .\CHANGE_ME\att

GatewayAddress = CHANGE_ME

EnterpriseServer = CHANGE_ME

RequestComponent = $(RequestComponent)

RequestServer = CHANGE_ME

RequestServerName = CHANGE_ME

CurrentSQLID = Startup

MaxCursorSize = -1

PrefetchSize = -1

ChartServer = localhost:8001

ChartImageFormat = png


ConnectString = CHANGE_ME

PrimaryEnterprise = CHANGE_ME

DLL = sscda10.dll

Hidden = TRUE

CaseInsensitive = FALSE

InsensitivityFactor = 0

 Siebel Web Client Administration Guide
 Published: 18 June 2003