Siebel eAuction Guide > Bidding in an Auction > Rating Listers and Bidders >

View Ratings

Your ratings by other eAuction users display on the View Ratings screen. Ratings are averaged in increments of seven days, thirty days, and ninety days. Each rating is associated with a numeric value: Excellent is 3.0, Good is 2.0, and Poor is 1.0. These values are used in the overall averages that are computed for each user.

NOTE:  In the Auction Item Detail screen for each open auction, there is a hyperlink that will display the View Ratings screen for the lister of that auction.

To view ratings

  1. From the Auctions screen, click the View Ratings hyperlink.
  2. The View Ratings screen appears.

    Click for full size image

  3. To view ratings for another user, type that person's User ID in the Ratings for Another User field and click Show Rating.
  4. NOTE:  You can also view ratings for another user by clicking the View Ratings hyperlink from the Members Area of the Auctions screen.

 Siebel eAuction Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003